This example is purely to demo multi-level routing of the Ionic Framework and Angular Router with Lazy Loading components/pages. In a real application guards would be used to load and activate certain routes accordingly.
The about page Ionic Conference, alas...
This example is just to show off Ionic components and Angular's routing capabilities. The simple login page is just that, a mock up. It's purpose is to show off the multi-level routing.
Download the installer for Node.js 6 or greater.
Install the ionic CLI globally:
npm install -g ionic
Clone this repository:
git clone
. -
npm install
from the project root. -
ionic serve
in a terminal from the project root. -
There you have it!
Tip: See How to Prevent Permissions Errors if you are running into issues when trying to install packages globally._
All app preview screenshots were taken by running ionic serve
then using developer design mode on a retina display.
NB. It has not been tested on a simulator.
Note, the use of global background image and how it is applied in the local scss file...