This SDK allows you to conveniently manage your subscriptions.
To integrate using Apple's Swift package manager, add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))
Then, specify "LinkFivePurchases"
as a dependency of the Target in which you wish to use LinkFivePurchases.
Lastly, run the following command:
swift package update
You need to initialize the SDK with your API KEY from the dashboard.
LinkFivePurchases.shared.launch(with: "YOUR_API_KEY")
returns a result with a list of SKProducts
which have been made available through the LinkFive dashboard.
LinkFivePurchases.shared.fetchSubscriptions { result in
// TODO: Process the result
To check if there is a current receipt and whether it's valid, use fetchReceiptInfo
. It fetches the receipt info mostly from cache, but you can also force it to fetch the receipt info from the server.
LinkFivePurchases.shared.fetchReceiptInfo { result in
// TODO: Process the result
To purchase a subscription, use purchase
with a SKProduct
. It returns whether the purchase has been successful.
LinkFivePurchases.shared.purchase(product: product) { result in
// TODO: Process the result
To restore a subscription, use restore
. It returns whether the restore has been successful.
LinkFivePurchases.shared.restore { result in
// TODO: Process the result
LinkFivePurchases is released under an MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.