PhotoViewer is an aggressively optimized and thouroghly tested photo viewer library for App.js. It works across modern mobile browsers (Android 2.2+, iOS 5+).
Try the demo (preferably on your phone, it's easy to be smooth on desktop):
PhotoViewer is suitable for photo galleries of any size. Under the hood, it only ever handles a maximum of three photos at once, meaning you get the same performance regardless of how large your album is.
Download (minified): photo-viewer.js
For basic usage, just give the PhotoViewer your page, and some urls to munch on:
App.controller('viewer', function (page, data) {
var photoViewer = new PhotoViewer(page, data.urls);
You can listen to events:
photoViewer.on('flip', function (page) {
data.index = page;
And customize the options to your needs:
var photoViewer = new PhotoViewer(page, urls, {
// Automatically update the page title as the user swipes through
// photos?
automaticTitles: true,
// Hide the titlebar automatically, using whichever gestures are
// recognized on the device's native photo viewer.
autoHideTitle: true,
// An element used as a placeholder while photos are loading.
// A duplicate is made each time it is used.
loadingElm: defaultLoadingElm,
// Photo index to start at.
startAt: 0,
A complete example of a typical PhotoViewer user:
App.controller('viewer', function (page, data) {
var photoViewer = new PhotoViewer(page, data.urls, {
startAt: parstInt(data.index, 10),
photoViewer.on('flip', function (page) {
data.index = page;
App.load('viewer', {
urls: ['funny-cat-picture.jpg', 'funny-lolcat.jpg'],
index: 1,