Guide for installation of mainsail on Ender 3 V3 SE
- raspberry pi
- micro sd card for raspberry pi
- sd card for 3D printer update
- 3D printer (suprise!)
- Head to
Other specific-purpose OS
- Select
3D printing
and thenMainsail OS
(32 bit version is recommended) - Choose your storage
- Enable SSH
- Set your username and password
Default username: pi, password: raspberry
Run this commands on RaspberryPi:
cd ~/klipper/
make menuconfig
When text-based window opens select:
with a28KiB bootloader
and serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9)
scp remote_username@ip-adress:/remote/klipper.bin /local/directory
pwd - displays your current directory
Using defult settings:
is pi