Native Android application showcasing various meal categories images and name (in LazyVerticalGrid) and descriptions when clicked on it.
Implemented MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture to separate the UI, business logic, and data layers, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
Utilized Retrofit to fetch meal details (including images and descriptions) from an API in real-time.
Leveraged Kotlin coroutines and suspend functions for asynchronous data handling and asynchronous programming.
Integrated Retrofit and parcelization for efficient data handling and transfer.
Employed Compose Navigation for seamless screen transitions
Architecture : MVVM (Model View ViewModel)
Frontend : Kotlin, Jetpack Compose
Backend : Kotlin, Jetpack Compose (Navigation), Retrofit(API communication)
I'm a aspiring native android developer. I build apps using kotlin and latest jetpack compose. I am learining and growing everyday.