- Installation
*1. execute setup.sh script from _setup folder *2. do steps described in file step2.txt
- Use
All content files should be inside pages folder
All files must have meta data on top. See (Page meta data section)
Templates are saved in the _layouts folder
Images and other materials saved in media folder
JS and css saved in _assets folder. To include new files open _includes/head.html file
Make sure you set correct settings in _config.yml for CFE_OUTPUT and CFE_DIR
cd to the project root folder and type jekyll. Your can find your "compiled" files inside pages folder
- Auto update and run as server
cd to project root folder and type jekyll --auth --server 4000 where 4000 - port number.
NOTE: you must restart server after changes in _config.yml
- Config
To configure jekyll open _config.yml. All options described at https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Configuration
- Page meta data
layout: default
title: cf-agent
categories: [Components, cf-agent]
published: true
alias: cf-agent.html
tags: [cf-agent, promises]
You must use YAML format for metadata You must place metadata on the top of the file and divide it with --- (repeat "-" sign 3 times on new line)
layout: default - we have only 1 layout for pages now
title: page title - string between <title></title>
categories: where we should place this page, think about this as a breadcrumbs. Last point should be this page
published: true or false
alias: url (html file name) - use "url safe" names
tags: tags relevant to this doc