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this app is useful to visualize swagger.json via restapi and docker.

folder configuration

  • swagger:

    • there's auto-created file swagger_spec.json in swagger folder every time you execute CheckMoeSchema.ps1
    • DO NOT DELETE this folder
  • testdata:

    • in AutoML mlflow model case, there's not example testdata schema in swagger.json.
    • if your senario matches this case, you need to put the test data (.csv) you wanna use in testdata folder
  • CheckMoeSchema.ps1:

    • it's to download swagger.json via rest api and start up swagger ui app.


  • you can run docker command at the same as above.

execution step

  1. execute git clone at specified folder
  2. Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force ※ for any users to execute this ps script.
  3. ./CheckMoeSchema.ps1
    1. "Enter the REST endpoint:" is moe scoring REST ENDPOINT https://<YOUR ENDPOINT>.<
    2. "Enter the Deployment NAME:" is your moe deployment name
    3. "Enter the API key:" is your moe api key