This is a Python script to scrape all the available movie torrent names wih their respective IMDB score, number of likes and number of downloads from so that we can filter out better movies from the site. do not have good search and filter tools. This script saves the data in a csv file and hence enable the user to open it in any spreadsheet software and filter the data
UPDATE : The script can now scrape IMDb movie links and 720p and 1080p torrent links. Also it can now handle movies which have special charachters in their names.
NOTE : If movies) is blocked at your place, first connect the internet to a VPN and then run the script.
This script needs two external dependencies
- beautfulsoup4
- requests
To install all the requirements, go to the code directory and run the following in command prompt;
pip install -r requirements.txt
The main executable file is
Change to the code directory in command prompt and run
To download all the Torrents at a stretch run
Note : all the torrent files will be downloaded to the browser(default) downloads path
Warning : The script will scrape a large amount of data and if you do not want it to be displayed on your prompt, you can comment out the print statements in the code. Data will be saved in csv file after the execution is complete.