Jared Junyoung Lim, Cornell University 2020, CS Major
Shubhom Bhattacharya, Cornell University 2020, ECE Major
Jia Wei, Cornell University 2020, CS Major
Welcome to our hack repo!
Here is the overall guide for our project directories:
Data/ The primary data we used for our analysis. The original stock.csv is excluded by .gitignore because its 1.7 GB size exceeds the limit.
graphics/ All the data visualization files are stored here. Take a look at all the visual results we got! (The only things you can't see are the ones in html; in order to view them, you should clone our repo and open the html file in your browser. For convenience, we included screenshots of them in the demo directory.)
src/ All the source codes for data analysis are here. All of them are written in R.
webdev/ The directory for our website. If you would like to view the website, you should either clone our repo or go to demo directory for video recording.
demo/ Screenshots and videos for demo.