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Add MCL (Markov Clustering) + tests (#65)
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alyst authored Sep 20, 2016
1 parent 64b4118 commit ea03689
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Showing 4 changed files with 265 additions and 2 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/Clustering.jl
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Expand Up @@ -48,8 +48,10 @@ module Clustering

# hclust
Hclust, hclust, cutree
Hclust, hclust, cutree,

mcl, MCLResult

## source files

Expand All @@ -60,6 +62,7 @@ module Clustering

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205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions src/mcl.jl
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# MCL (Markov CLustering algorithm)

immutable MCLResult <: ClusteringResult
Result returned by `mcl()`.
immutable MCLResult <: ClusteringResult
mcl_adj::Matrix{Float64} # final MCL adjacency matrix (equailibrium state matrix if converged)
assignments::Vector{Int} # element-to-cluster assignments (n)
counts::Vector{Int} # number of samples assigned to each cluster (k)
nunassigned::Int # number of single elements not assigned to any cluster
iterations::Int # number of elapsed iterations
rel_Δ::Float64 # final relative Δ
converged::Bool # whether the procedure converged

# Extract clusters from the final (equilibrium) MCL matrix
# Return the tuple: cluster indices for each element, cluster sizes,
# the number of unassigned (0 cluster index) elements (if `allow_singles` is on)
# `zero_tol` is a minimal value to consider as an element-to-cluster assignment
function _mcl_clusters(mcl_adj::Matrix{Float64}, allow_singles::Bool, zero_tol::Float64 = 1E-20)
# remove rows containing only zero elements and convert into a mask of nonzero elements
el2clu_mask = mcl_adj[squeeze(sum(mcl_adj, 2), 2) .> zero_tol, :] .> zero_tol

# assign cluster indexes to each node
# cluster index is the index of the first TRUE in a given column
clu_ixs = squeeze(mapslices(el_mask -> !isempty(el_mask) ? findmax(el_mask)[2] : 0,
el2clu_mask, 1), 1)
clu_sizes = zeros(Int, size(el2clu_mask, 1))
unassigned_count = 0
@inbounds for clu_ix in clu_ixs
(clu_ix > 0) && (clu_sizes[clu_ix] += 1)
if !allow_singles
# collapse all size 1 clusters into one with index 0
@inbounds for i in eachindex(clu_ixs)
clu_ix = clu_ixs[i]
if clu_ix > 0 && clu_sizes[clu_ix] == 1
clu_ixs[i] = 0
clu_sizes[clu_ix] = 0
unassigned_count += 1
unassigned_count = 0

# recode clusters numbers to be in 1:N range (or 0:N if there's collapsed cluster)
clu_id_map = zeros(Int, length(clu_sizes))
next_clu_ix = 0
@inbounds for i in eachindex(clu_ixs)
old_clu_ix = clu_ixs[i]
if old_clu_ix > 0
new_clu_ix = clu_id_map[old_clu_ix]
clu_ixs[i] = new_clu_ix == 0 ?
clu_id_map[old_clu_ix] = (next_clu_ix += 1) :
old_clu_sizes = clu_sizes
clu_sizes = zeros(Int, next_clu_ix)
for (old_clu_ix, new_clu_ix) in enumerate(clu_id_map)
if new_clu_ix > 0
clu_sizes[new_clu_ix] = old_clu_sizes[old_clu_ix]

clu_ixs, clu_sizes, unassigned_count

# adjacency matrix expansion (matrix-wise raising to a given integer power) kernel
# FIXME `_mcl_expand!()` that does not allocate new expanded matrix
function _mcl_expand(src::Matrix, expansion::Integer)
src ^ expansion

# adjacency matrix expansion (matrix-wise raising to a given power) kernel
# FIXME `_mcl_expand!()` that does not allocate new expanded matrix
function _mcl_expand(src::Matrix, expansion::Number)
# we have to implement the workarond for matrix-power because of julia bug #16930
isinteger(expansion) && return _mcl_expand(src, Integer(real(expansion)))
v, X = eig(src)
# FIXME type instability here, revisit when #16930 is fixed
(eltype(v) <: Complex) || (any(v.<0) && (v = complex(v)))
Xinv = ishermitian(src) ? X' : inv(X)
X * Diagonal(v.^expansion) * Xinv

# adjacency matrix inflation (element-wise raising to a given power) kernel
function _mcl_inflate!(dest::Matrix{Float64}, src::Matrix{Complex128}, inflation::Number)
src_norm = vecnorm(src)
min_rel = -1E-3*src_norm
min_img = 1E-3*src_norm
@inbounds for (i, el) in enumerate(src)
rel = real(el)
img = imag(el)
if rel < min_rel || (abs(img) > min_img && abs(img) > 1E-3*abs(rel))
dest[i] = max(0.0, rel)^inflation
return dest

# adjacency matrix inflation (element-wise raising to a given power) kernel
function _mcl_inflate!(dest::Matrix{Float64}, src::Matrix{Float64}, inflation::Number)
any(src .< -1E-3*vecnorm(src)) && throw(InexactError())
map!(el -> max(0.0, el)^inflation, dest, src)

mcl(adj::Matrix; [keyword arguments])::MCLResult
Identify clusters in the weighted graph using Markov Clustering Algorithm (MCL).
# Arguments
* `adj::Matrix{Float64}`: adjacency matrix that defines the weighted graph
to cluster
* `add_loops::Bool`: whether edges of weight 1.0 from the node to itself
should be appended to the graph (enabled by default)
* `expansion::Number`: MCL expansion constant (2)
* `inflation::Number`: MCL inflation constant (2.0)
* `save_final_matrix::Bool`: save final equilibrium state in the result,
otherwise leave it empty; disabled by default, could be useful if
MCL doesn't converge
* `max_iter::Integer`: max number of MCL iterations
* `tol::Number`: MCL adjacency matrix convergence threshold
* `display::Symbol`: `:none` for no output or `:verbose` for diagnostic messages
See [original MCL implementation](
@compat function mcl(adj::Matrix{Float64};
add_loops::Bool = true,
expansion::Number = 2, inflation::Number = 2.0,
save_final_matrix::Bool = false,
allow_singles::Bool = true,
max_iter::Integer = 100, tol::Number=1E-5,
display::Symbol=:none)#::MCLResult FIXME uncomment when 0.4 support is dropped

m, n = size(adj)
m == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("Square adjacency matrix expected"))

if add_loops
@inbounds for i in 1:size(adj, 1)
adj[i, i] = 1.0

# initialize the MCL adjacency matrix by normalized `adj` weights
mcl_adj = copy(adj)
# normalize in columns
scale!(mcl_adj, map(x -> x != 0.0 ? 1.0/x : x, squeeze(sum(mcl_adj, 1), 1)))
mcl_norm = vecnorm(mcl_adj)
if !isfinite(mcl_norm)
throw(OverflowError("The norm of the input adjacency matrix is not finite"))
next_mcl_adj = similar(mcl_adj)

# do MCL iterations
if display != :none
info("Starting MCL iterations...")
niter = 0
converged = false
rel_delta = NaN
while !converged && niter < max_iter
expanded = _mcl_expand(mcl_adj, expansion)
_mcl_inflate!(next_mcl_adj, expanded, inflation)

# normalize in columns
scale!(next_mcl_adj, map(x -> x != 0.0 ? 1.0/x : x,
squeeze(sum(next_mcl_adj, 1), 1)))

next_mcl_norm = vecnorm(next_mcl_adj)
if !isfinite(next_mcl_norm)
warn("MCL adjacency matrix norm is not finite")
rel_delta = euclidean(next_mcl_adj, mcl_adj)/mcl_norm
(display == :verbose) && info("MCL iter. #$niter: rel.Δ=", rel_delta)
(converged = rel_delta <= tol) && break
# update (swap) MCL adjacency
niter += 1
mcl_adj, next_mcl_adj = next_mcl_adj, mcl_adj
mcl_norm = next_mcl_norm
(mcl_norm < tol) && break # matrix is zero

if display != :none
if converged
info("MCL converged after $niter iteration(s)")
warn("MCL didn't converge after $niter iteration(s)")

(display == :verbose) && info("Generating MCL clusters...")
el2clu, clu_sizes, nunassigned = _mcl_clusters(mcl_adj, allow_singles,

MCLResult(save_final_matrix ? mcl_adj : Matrix{Float64}(0,0),
el2clu, clu_sizes, nunassigned,
niter, rel_delta, converged)
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions test/mcl.jl
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# simple program to test MCL clustering

using Base.Test
using Clustering


# test for nonsquare matrices
@test_throws DimensionMismatch mcl(zeros(Float64, 4, 3))

nodes = [:bat, :bit, :cat, :fit, :hat, :hit]
edges = Tuple{Symbol, Symbol, Float64}[(:cat, :hat, 0.2), (:hat, :bat, 0.16),
(:bat, :cat, 1.0), (:bat, :bit, 0.125),
(:bit, :fit, 0.25), (:fit, :hit, 0.5),
(:hit, :bit, 0.16)]
adj_matrix = zeros(Float64, length(nodes), length(nodes))
for edge in edges
n1 = findfirst(nodes, edge[1])
n2 = findfirst(nodes, edge[2])
adj_matrix[n1, n2] = adj_matrix[n2, n1] = edge[3]
@assert issymmetric(adj_matrix)

res = mcl(adj_matrix, display=:none, inflation=1.8)
@test isa(res, MCLResult)
k = length(res.counts)
# println("k = $k")
@test k == 2
@test all(res.assignments .<= k)
@test length(res.assignments) == length(nodes)
@test length(res.counts) == k
for c = 1:k
@test countnz(res.assignments .== c) == res.counts[c]
@test res.nunassigned == 0
@test res.assignments == [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]

# test non-integral expansion (show not raise an exception)
res = mcl(adj_matrix, display=:none, inflation=1.5, expansion=1.5, save_final_matrix=true)
@test isa(res, MCLResult)
@test length(res.assignments) == length(nodes)
@test size(res.mcl_adj) == size(adj_matrix) # test that the matrix is returned

# test allow_singles
res = mcl(diagm([1.0, 1.0]), display=:none, allow_singles=true)
@test length(res.counts) == 2
@test res.assignments == [1, 2]
@test res.counts == [1, 1]
@test res.nunassigned == 0

res = mcl(diagm([1.0, 1.0]), display=:none, allow_singles=false)
@test length(res.counts) == 0
@test res.assignments == [0, 0]
@test res.nunassigned == 2
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ tests = ["seeding",

println("Runing tests:")
for t in tests
Expand Down

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