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I'm curious and passionate about AI and Deep Learning, also I have a solid theoretical and pratical preparation on basic back-end developing tools and languages
- 📔Mcs in Data Science at Università degli Studi di Firenze (September 2021 - Current)
- 📔 Bcs at Università degli Studi di Salerno (September 2021)
Thesis: Analysis and classification of dangeours behaviours using deep models for computer vision
Final Grade: 109/110
- Kineton (02/23/2021 – 07/23/2021)
Bacherlor thesis' traineeship at Kineton, during this period I have developed experience and confidence with the use and the development of 3D-dimensional models using Unity.
- Maze C
Parallel Computing exam's project, made using OpenMP. The task is to create a 2D maze where a path to the exit needs to be found through the simulations of N balls that can collide with the walls. - Data Warehousing: A practical approach
Data Warehosuing exam's project, the task is to be create a Data Warehouse for an imaginary company.