- This drawing application should function as follows:
- When the user clicks in the drawing space, the pen is turned on. The user can then move the mouse to draw.
- The user clicks again to turn the pen off. (40 points)
- The user does not have to hold down the mouse to draw!
- The user can select from three different pen colors. (15 points) Make sure you test that your program works when you change the color of the pen!
- The user can also select an "eraser" pen. (10 points) Hint: Do you really need to "erase" a point? Or is there a shortcut you can use?
- There is a clear button that clears the entire drawing space. (10 points)
- You need to keep track of both the location and color of a point on which the user has drawn. (25 points) Use an ArrayList to keep track of this.
- Include an additional drawing functionality. (Rectangle Flash: Randomly generate rectangles)