- Tristan Mahinay, JUG Leader, Java User Group Philippines
- Jansen Ang, JUG Leader, Java User Group Philippines
- Install Git
- Players should install Java 17 in their machines
- Use IntelliJ, Eclipse or anything you want that supports Maven. You can also use Notepad++ if you want to run this in a terminal
- Fork this repository to your local machine
There are 4 classes namely:
- Owner
- Pet
- PetManager
- PetManagementSystem
You can create additional classes if that will help you solve this problem
Create atleast 3 kinds of Pets.
Create multiple owners, each of which can own different kinds and a specific number of pets (i.e. three or five)
Implement interfaces for behaviors like Playable or Feedable to show different ways pets can interact or be cared for.
Pets can have mood states affected by actions like playing or feeding, impacting their responses and behaviors.
- A hungry pet can be happy after being fed.
- A sad pet can be happy after playing with the owner.
Please read the guide comments for each class for you to move forward!
- This is good only for 2 hours
- Print all the name of the owners together with the name and type of their pets
- Print all the behaviors of each of the owners' pets
- Report the interaction outcomes between different pets and show changes in pet mood after interactions or over time.
- Bonus points if you can create a simple user interface in the console for interactive management of the pet system.