1. Setup and display options
First, create a "data/" directory. You can rename the data directory in the file gios.php by setting the variable $cfg["storageDir"]. Then use a command:
php gios.php
# find station ID
php gios.php find "City name"
# get station sensors
php gios.php sensors station_id
# get data from selected sensor
php gios.php data sensor_id
# get all datas from selected station
php gios.php getall station_id
2. Find city (eg. Jelenia Góra):
php gios.php find Jelenia Góra
List of stations in Jelenia Góra:
Station ID: 9153
Station name: Jelenia Góra, ul. Ogińskiego
Address: ul. Ogińskiego 6 (DOLNOŚLĄSKIE)
3. Read a list of sensors from station
php gios.php sensors 9153
List of sensors in 9153 station:
Sensor ID: 14727
Sensor name: dwutlenek azotu
Sensor code: NO2
Sensor ID: 14729
Sensor name: ozon
Sensor code: O3
Sensor ID: 14730
Sensor name: pył zawieszony PM10
Sensor code: PM10
Sensor ID: 14731
Sensor name: pył zawieszony PM2.5
Sensor code: PM2.5
Sensor ID: 14733
Sensor name: dwutlenek siarki
Sensor code: SO2
Sensor ID: 14734
Sensor name: benzen
Sensor code: C6H6
Sensor ID: 14707
Sensor name: tlenek węgla
Sensor code: CO
4. Get sensor data (by ID)
php gios.php data 14730
OK: PM10 data from sensor ID 14730 has been stored correctly.
You can also download data from all sensors using the command:
php gios.php getall 9153
Where 9153 is Station ID.
All json files are stored in "data/" directory.
ls data/