GPCore is a C++20 library of low level components written for wide use cases. There are libraries built on top of GPCore like GpJson (classes mapper from/to json), GpNetwork (tcp, udp, http asynchronous server), GpDbConnector (lightweight database ORM) and other.
Library can be configured and build for Linux, Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, Browser(wasm) and bare metal (cortex-m).
Reflection. Provides reflection tools. With it it is possible to bind class fields to a data-model descriptor and store it into a manager. Data-model manager gives R/W access to class fields through field names and access to data-model description. Reflection tools also support inheritance (not multiple), fully dynamic "on-fly" data-model builder. See examples or documentation.
Fibers. Provides tools for work with fibers: task manager, tasks that suspend and resume execution at certain locations (manual or by events). See examples or documentation.
Safe math. Provides tools for work safe with arithmetic types (std::is_arithmetic). For all operations that can cause overflow (addition, multiplication) or undefined behavior (overflows) library provides safe wrappers.If possible, checks will be done at a compile time, if not then at a runtime. If a runtime operation cause an error, then an exception will be thrown. examples or documentation.
Service lifetime (start, read config, start internal tasks, OS signals processing, stop)
- UUIDs (include version 7)
- Encoders (Base64, Base58)
- String conversion
- Enums
- Date/time
- Measure unit types
Let's assume you have class:
class MyDataStruct
string str;
int32_t i32 = 0;
vector<string> vec_str;
Make it reflectable:
- Inherits from GpTypeStructBase
- Macros CLASS_DECLARE_DEFAULTS declares containers with MyDataStruct like shares pointers, vectors etc. (can be used: MyDataStruct::C::Vec::Val is equal to std::vector)
- Macros TYPE_STRUCT_DECLARE declares all the reflection 'magic'. As in argument it takes UUID for data-model structure. By this UUID data-model can be accessed from the manager.
- Declares default, copy and mode constructors
- Macros TYPE_STRUCT_IMPLEMENT implements all the reflection 'magic'. As in arguments it takes name of the class (MyDataStruct) and group UUID for data-model structure (GP_MODULE_UUID - is just the global definition of "07d0903e-1195-4dcf-92d7-4f0db3f7e4f9"_sv). '_sv' is string literal for std::string_view
- In method _SCollectStructProps binds class fields to data-model
class MyDataStruct final: public GpTypeStructBase
MyDataStruct (void) noexcept {}
MyDataStruct (const MyDataStruct& aDesc):
str(aDesc.str), i32(aDesc.i32), vec_str(aDesc.vec_str) {}
MyDataStruct (MyDataStruct&& aDesc) noexcept:
str(std::move(aDesc.str)), i32(aDesc.i32), vec_str(std::move(aDesc.vec_str)) {}
virtual ~MyDataStruct (void) noexcept override final {}
string str;
int32_t i32 = 0;
vector<string> vec_str;
void MyDataStruct::_SCollectStructProps (GpTypePropInfo::C::Vec::Val& aPropsOut)
After this you can get R/W access to fields throughout manager
void Foo (GpTypeStructBase& aStruct)
//Get data-model info
const GpTypeStructInfo& typeStructInfo = aStruct.TypeStructInfo();
//Get references to class fields
auto& str = typeStructInfo.Prop("str"_sv).Value_String(aStruct.DataPtr());
auto& i32 = typeStructInfo.Prop("i32"_sv).Value_UInt32(aStruct.DataPtr());
auto& vec_str = typeStructInfo.Prop("vec_str"_sv).Vec_String(aStruct.DataPtr());
//Read values from fields
<< str << "\n"
<< i32 << "\n"
<< << "\n" << std::endl;
//Write values to fields
str = "456";
i32 = -456;
vec_str = {"ABC", "DEF"};
int main (int aArgc, char** aArgv)
MyDataStruct s;
s.str = "123";
s.i32 = 123;
s.vec_str = {"First", "2", "3"};
std::cout << "Call Foo...\n";
std::cout << "Return...\n"
<< s.str << "\n"
<< s.i32 << "\n"
<< << "\n" << std::endl;
return 0;
Will be printed
Call Foo...
//Simple fiber task
class MyTask final: public GpTaskFiberBase
MyTask (void) noexcept:GpTaskFiberBase("test task"_sv) {}
~MyTask (void) noexcept override final {}
virtual void OnStart (void) override final {std::cout << "Start task..." << std::endl;}
virtual GpTaskDoRes OnStep (EventOptRefT /*aEvent*/) override final;
virtual void OnStop (void) noexcept override final {std::cout << "Stop task..." << std::endl;}
GpTaskDoRes MyTask::OnStep (EventOptRefT /*aEvent*/)
int k = 0;
std::cout << "Task step " << k++ << std::endl;
std::cout << "Task step " << k++ << std::endl;
std::cout << "Task step " << k++ << std::endl;
return GpTaskDoRes::DONE;
int main (int aArgc, char** aArgv)
//Initialize fiber manager (1024 fibers max, stack size 512kB per fiber)
GpTaskFiberManager::S().Init(1024_cnt, 512_kB);
//Initialize task scheduler
GpTaskScheduler::SP taskScheduler = MakeSP<GpTaskScheduler>();
taskScheduler->Start(taskScheduler, 8_cnt);
//Create and add task to manager
//Stop task scheduler
return 0;
Will be printed
Start task...
Task step 0
Task step 1
Task step 2
Stop task...
Base class for safe math operations is GpNumericOps. Provides functions for:
- SAdd - addition of two arithmetic values of the same type
- SSub - subtraction of two arithmetic values of the same type
- SMul - multiplication of two arithmetic values of the same type
- SDiv - division of two arithmetic values of the same type
- SConvertSafe - conversion between two arithmetic values of any types
constexpr std::int8_t res = NumOps::SAdd(std::int8_t(100), std::int8_t(100));
Will cause an error at a compile time because of int8_t have range -128...127 and result of addition will be 200
std::int8_t res = NumOps::SAdd(std::int8_t(100), std::int8_t(100));
Will cause an error at a runtime time because of int8_t have range -128...127 the result will be out of range
QMake is used as building tool. Supported compillers are g++ (v. 10+) and clang (v 11+)
- boost context - for fibers context switching (only if GP_USE_MULTITHREADING_FIBERS flag is set)
- gmp and gmpxx - for Base58 encoder (only if GP_USE_BASE58 flag is set)