├── README.md # info file with TODO-list
├── init.el # bootstrap file, tangles emacs.org into emacs.el and loads it
├── emacs.org # main config file, literate programming style
├── emacs.el # generated from emacs.org (not under vc)
├── custom.el # customize file (generated, not under vc)
├── env.el # environment-aware lisp config called by emacs.el
├── elisp/ # plugins, modules (managed manually)
├── misc/ # emacs-related stuff (managed manually)
├── elpa/ # plugins, modules (managed by elpa, not under vc)
├── backups/ # backup files (not under vc)
└── private.el # private variables definitions (not under vc)
- eclipse-style formatting system for java files
- ctags with projectile