Simple python program to brute force metasploitable2 VM.
This program is designed to perform a simple brute force using hydra on the metasploitable2 VM. The program was taken from ZTM Complete Ethical Hacking 2023 course. Some changes were made to the original course program as I was unsuccessful getting it to work. This program was corrected using chatgpt and has been tested to work on the metasploitable2 VM.
Line 2 - new line
from termcolor import colored #This will go under 'import requests'
line 10 - edit
print(colored(('Trying: ' + password), 'red))
line 16 - edit
print(colored(('[+] Found Username: ==> ' + username), 'green'))
line 17 - edit
print(colored(('[+] Password: ==>'+ password), 'green'))