Performed fusion using time synchronization.
Modified the policy for point cloud fusion. Two separate callbacks, one for laser message and the other for pointcloud. The projection of point cloud happens in the pointcloud call back and the fusion with the latest laser message is done in the laser callback.
Include voxel grid and pass through filter to reduce the number of points in the pointcloud.
Includes two subscribers that could run in parallel.
We created this repository to fuse 3D point cloud data to laser scan data.
To perform this task, we referred to the implementation in ROS , where a 3D point cloud is projected into a 2D laserscan.
-Downsampling the PointCloud using a VoxelGrid filter. A number of points in a voxel are approximated with their centroid.
-Downsampling the PointCloud using a PassThrough filter along a specified dimension. In this case “z”. This means that the filter cuts off values that are outside a specific range.
Install ROS Noetic
Installing from Github source is recommended
git clone (https://github.com/HBRS-SDP/ws21-point-cloud-laser-fusion
After to clone the repository go to your catkin workspace, open terminal and:
catkin build
roslaunch <package_name> <launch_file.launch>