Naive implementation of mt_rand using pyopencl and pycuda
Numpy and one of Pycuda or pyopencl should me installed to run this.
easy_install numpy pyopencl
pip install numpy pyopencl
For pycuda you should run
easy_install numpy pycuda
pip install numpy pycuda
For any opencl compatible device you should also install opencl package for your device (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel/etc.)
For cuda - you should install nvcc compiler with headers
One can run this implementation with and This scripts will also produce profiling information of execution
PyOpencl implementation will try to run on first device it would found. I don't know for now how to fix it to run only on GPU. If you would run it from shell - there would be some info regarding this
$ grep SIZE
SIZE = 16384
$ ./
$ tail -n 2 opencl_profile_0.log
method=[ mt_brute ] gputime=[ 72.640 ] cputime=[ 4.000 ] occupancy=[ 0.667 ]
method=[ memcpyDtoHasync ] gputime=[ 12.512 ] cputime=[ 8.000 ]
$ ./
$ tail -n 2 cuda_profile_0.log
method=[ mt_brute ] gputime=[ 68.928 ] cputime=[ 6.000 ] occupancy=[ 0.667 ]
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 10.720 ] cputime=[ 88.000 ]
72.640+12.51 microseconds for 2^14 hashes = 1.9 * 10^8 seeds
22 seconds for all 2^32 combinations