Project is a weather app that shows the search locations current weather and 7 day forecast.
[Open weather api] (https://openweathermap.org/api;) [troposhere api] (https://www.troposphere.io/")
"coord": { "lon": -71.0583, "lat": 42.3603 },
"weather": [ { "id": 801, "main": "Clouds",
"description": "few clouds", "icon": "02d" }
- User will search by location by city,state,country. On clicking submit the current weather (CW) will appear.
- On the return the locations CW will be shown in middle of screen.
- The background of the CW will appear slightly raised, as if the CW box is sitting atop the background body, as opposed to appearing to be apart of it.
- The whole page will start dark from outsides and becomer lighter as it goes towards the middle. With the CW weather report resting above the lightest middle part.
- When the mouse pointer is over the CW, the size will increase marginally and become slightly more emphasized. Also the text content and imagery of CW will be a lighter color to contrast with the dark background. (Once multiply weather boxes are rendered it will draw attention to current weather box.
- If site viewed on mobile or tablet the scale of webpage will be adjusted accordingly to fit. Elements on webpage will be stacked neatly on top of one another.
- Add a drop down on search so all cities with that name will appear. User will be able to specify using state/territory and country.
- Add in a future forcast underneath the current search's day's weather.
- When CW loads, a drop down display will appear underneath with emojis that are relevant to CW. (Example, if it is raining, a raincoat emoji will appear.)
- When the mouse passes over an emoji, a text box will appear with a relevant phrase to the CW emoji. (Example, if mouse passes over raincoat phrase will say "Stay dry out there, wouldn't want to catch a cold!")
- When the drop down display occurs, the emojis will appear similar to when a drawer is opened. When drop down display closes a similar effect will happen on emojis to simulate a closing drawer.
- Emojis will also have relevant animations.(Example, if it's raining then raindrops will appear on/around raincoat.
Day | Deliverable | Status |
July 30 | Prompt / Wireframes / Priority Matrix / Timeframes | Complete |
August 2 | Project approval, get basic structure set up, begin pseudocoding | Complete |
August 3 | Begin coding, start MVP's | Complete |
August 4 | Finish MVP, finalize styling and descriptive comments | Complete |
August 5 | Make sure everything works, Start on PMVP's | Complete |
August 6 | Presentations | Incomplete |
August 7-onwards | Cont. PMVP | --- |
[Priority Matrix] (https://lucid.app/lucidchart/1859e4a2-c924-4b38-96e3-ee67b20c2e7b/edit?page=0_0#)
Component | Priority | Estimated Time | Time Invested | Actual Time |
Adding Form | H | 2hr | 1hr | 1hr |
Working with API | H | 3hr | 3hr | 3hr |
Create Dyn HTML | H | 1hr | 1hr | 1hr |
Basic CSS Layout | H | 1hr | 2hr | 2hr |
Incorporate Flex Box | H | 2hr | 4hr | 4hr |
Adjust CSS | H | 1hr | 2hr | 2hr |
Pseudocode | H | 3hr | 2hr | 2hr |
Append items to DOM | H | 3hr | 2hr | 2hr |
Make sure API calls render | H | 3hr | 2hr | 2hr |
Remove Elements on new Search Fn | H | 1hr | 1hr | 1hr |
Clean Code/Refactor | H | 1hr | 1hr | 1hr |
Future Forecast | M | 4hr | 3hr | 3hr |
Add Emoji | L | 5hr | :---: | :---: |
Emoji Drop Display | L | 4hr | :---: | :---: |
Emoji Animations | L | 10hr | :---: | :---: |
Total | H=Done for DeadLine | 44 | 25hr | 25hr |
const weatherData = find.data;
const lat = weatherData.coord.lat;
const lon = weatherData.coord.lon;
const findForecast = await axios.get(
I had to get a second api for 7 day forecast that only took coordinates as parameters. So I assigned the latitude and longitude of the first api to variables and using string interpolation inputted the search's coordinates into the second api to call the 7 day forecast.
I changed some of the styling, I originally wanted the the background to go from light to dark moving towards the center but reversed it as my original idea did not look good.
Also had to utilize a second api because open weather api's forecast option was behind a paid subscription.