A type-safe router for TypeScript. Read the WHY and HOW in this blog post: https://frigoeu.github.io/typescriptsaferouter.html
Typescript-safe-router is tiny (1kb minified/gzipped), framework-independent and fully type-safe! Make, change and use routes without worrying if you're keeping everything synchronized.
import {makeRoute, makeRouter} from "typescript-safe-router";
const employeeRoute = makeRoute("employee", {employeeId: "number"});
// Building URL's
employeeRoute.buildUrl({employeeId: 5}); // "#/employee/employeeid/5"
// Matching URL's
employeeRoute.matchUrl("#/employee/employeeid/5") // {employeeId: 5}
employeeRoute.matchUrl("#/employee/employeeid/test") // null
// Building a full router
export const messages = makeRoute("messages", {startDate: "date"});
export const employees = makeRoute("employees", {employeeId: "number"});
messages, (opts) => {
console.log("We've navigated to the messages page! The startDate is in year: " + opts.startDate.getFullYear().toString())
return null;
employees, (opts) => {
console.log("We've navigated to the employees page! Employee number: " + opts.employeeId.toString())
return null;
The following strings can be used to define the types of your route parameters:
"string | null"
"date | null"
"number | null"
"boolean | null"
import * as Messages from "./messages";
import * as Employees from "./employee";
import * as React from "react";
import {makeRoute, makeRouter, Router} from "./router";
// Defining what routes we have, and what parameters the urls contain
export const messages = makeRoute("messages", {startDate: "date"});
export const employees = makeRoute("employees", {employeeId: "number"});
class App extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
private router: Router<JSX.Element>;
constructor(props: {}) {
// Defining what we want functions we want router.match to execute for every route
this.router = makeRouter(
messages, ({startDate: Date}) => <Message.Page startDate={startDate} />).registerRoute(
employees, ({employeeId: number}) => <Employees.Page employeeId={employeeId} />);
window.onhashchange = () => this.forceUpdate();
startPage(): JSX.Element {
return <div>You have arrived at the start page</div>;
render() {
let fromRouter = this.router.match(window.location.hash);
return (fromRouter === null) ? this.startPage() : fromRouter;