The following repository delves into the impact of enhancing dataset accuracy during the preprocessing phase on the overall performance of a regression model. The primary focus lies in the process of identifying and removing outliers, an approach employed to augment the model’s accuracy. Regarding the dataset for analysis, the decision has been made to utilize a synthetically generated dataset that closely mimics a real-world dataset.
The first phase of the project involves data collection, and as mentioned earlier, the dataset for analysis has been synthetically generated for the reasons stated above. Specifically, I choose to use the make regression function from scikit-learn.
make_regression (
n_samples =1000 ,
n_features =3 ,
n_informative =3 ,
n_targets =1 ,
bias =10.0 ,
effective_rank = None ,
tail_strength =0.5 ,
noise =10.0 ,
seed =2023
An explanation of the most significant parameters and the rationale behind their selection:
- n_samples: A dataset with 1000 samples might be deemed sufficiently representative to address the complexity of the problem. This size can capture variations in the data and provide a reliable basis for analysis.
- n_features: I kept 3 features to enhance visualization, manage model complexity, and reduce computational requirements, ensuring a focused analysis on key variables for interpretation and understanding of relationships.
- bias: Introducing a bias term at 10 can simulate scenarios where there might be measurement errors or missing information regarding relevant variables not explicitly incorporated in the model. This contributes to creating a more realistically complex dataset by accounting for unmodeled factors or uncertainties in the relationship between features and the target variable.
- noise: Setting noise to 10 introduces realistic variability based on empirical observations, enhancing the dataset’s realism. This choice reflects uncertainties and measurement errors, contributing to a more authentic representation and improving the practicality of the regression analysis.
I opted to conduct 10 distinct experiments on the synthetically generated dataset, subsequently contaminated using the data pollution function. In each experiment, I’ve introduced outliers at varying distances within the dataset. Furthermore, within each experiment, I varied the percentage of introduced outliers from 5 % to 50 % to assess their impact systematically.
for i in range ( n_experiments ) :
print ( " Experiment {} " . format ( i ) )
X , y = make_dataset_for_regression ( n_samples =1000 , n_features = n_features , n_informative =3 , n_targets =1 , bias =10.0 , effective_rank = None , tail_strength =0.5 ,
noise=10.0 , seed =2023)
# for each experiment the outlier distance grows
# from the X we build ten different versions of the dataset with a different percentage of outliers
X_polluted_list = []
X_outliers_list = []
for j in range (5 ,51 ,5) :
a , b = data_pollution ( X = X . copy () , n_features = n_features , outlier_percentage = j /100 , distribution = " random " , low_bound = -10 - i * 10 , high_bound = 10 + i *10)
X_polluted_list.append ( a )
X_outliers_list.append ( b )
To implement the pipeline for each of the 10 experiments, i followed these steps:
• Data collection: Using the make regression function as explained in Chapter 2. I have created a dataset for each experiment on which outliers are introduced with different distances. Inside each experiment outliers distance is the same but the percentage of outliers vary from 5 % to 50 %.
• Data pollution: Through a dataset pollution function for each experiment outliers are randomly introduced at varying distances and with different percentages.
• Data Analysis on Polluted Datasets: For each experiment and for each percentage of introduced outliers (5 % to 50 %), I performed regression algorithms, subsequently comparing the results with those obtained after the cleaning phase.
• Data Preparation: In this phase, outliers were detected and removed using the DBSCAN technique.
• Data Analysis on Cleaned Dataset: After having applied Data Preparation to the datasets I reapply regression to compare the results with those obtained using the polluted datasets.
The data pollution function is used to contaminate the dataset by adding outliers to it. In particular, inside the main I’ve called this function in the following way:
# from the X we build ten different versions of the dataset
with a different percentage of outliers
X_polluted_list = []
X_outliers_list = []
# for each experiment I introduce different percentages of
for j in range (5 ,51 ,5) :
a , b = data_pollution ( X = X . copy () , n_features = n_features , outlier_percentage = j /100 , distribution = " random " , mean = -10 - i * 10 , std = 10 + i *10)
X_polluted_list . append ( a )
X_outliers_list . append ( b )
For each experiment the outlier distance grows 10 times * i (experiment number). Inside the data pollution function based on the passed parameter outlier percentage, some points are randomly chosen to be transformed into outliers by applying a shift. This shift can be random, normal, or multinomial, depending on the requirement. In my case and in the experiments presented in the report, a random shift was used.
size = int ( n_samples * outlier_percentage )
# random pick # size indices of samples to make them outliers
outlier_indices = np . random . choice ( n_samples , size = size ,
replace = False )
# how much i want to shift the outliers and which distribution
to use ?
if distribution == ’ normal ’:
outliers_shift = np . random . normal ( loc = mean , scale = std , size =( size , n_features ) )
elif distribution == ’ random ’:
outliers_shift = np . random . uniform ( mean , std , size =( size , n_features ) )
elif distribution == ’ multinomial ’:
outliers_shift = np . random . multinomial ( size =( size , n_features ) )
Then the shift is actually applied to the selected indexes and the new dataset polluted is returned:
# create the polluted dataset
for j , i in enumerate ( outlier_indices ) :
df_polluted . iloc [ i ] += outliers_shift [ j ]
return df_polluted . values , outlier_indices )
To gain a visual understanding of how data pollution works, I also implemented a function named print dataset polluted to visualize in 3D, for each experiment, the dataset with the addition of outliers randomly generated at different percentages. Outliers are depicted in red, while the remaining points are shown in blue. The more the experiment is high the more the distance between outliers and not outliers grows as we can see in the example down here.
After introducing the outliers, we assess the performance of various regression algorithms on the ”dirty” datasets using two different metrics: performance and distance between train and test. (speed is not considered since is not relevant for the analysis we are conducting). We evaluate these metrics across five different regression algorithms (”LinearRegressor,” ”BayesianRidge,” ”SVMRegressor,” ”KNNRegressor,” and ”MLPRegressor”).
results_for_each_algorithm_polluted = []
for algorithm in REGRESSION_ALGORITHMS :
results_for_each_percentage_polluted = []
for d_polluted in X_polluted_list :
result = regression ( d_polluted , y , algorithm , SEED )
results_for_each_percentage_polluted . append ( result )
results_for_each_algorithm_polluted.append(results_for_each_percentage_polluted )
In this phase, I need to remove the previously introduced outliers. Several removal methods have been tried, but the most effective one appears to be DBSCAN, a clustering-based resolution method. The reasons why DBSCAN performed better can be listed as follows:
• Density-based Approach: DBSCAN excels in identifying outliers based on their density within the dataset. It is particularly effective when outliers exhibit lower density compared to the main clusters, allowing it to separate them more efficiently. Since in our datasets the not-outliers have an higher density with respect to outliers, dbscan is the perfect choice.
• Adaptability to Cluster Shapes: since my data pollution function introduce outliers with no assumptions on the shape, dbscan is the best approach because is able to to adapt to clusters of various shapes ensures that outliers forming irregularly shaped clusters are more accurately identified and isolated.
• Easily tunable: DBSCAN’s parameters, such as epsilon (neighborhood distance) and minimum points, can be adjusted to accommodate different characteristics of the data. This adaptability proves beneficial when dealing with varying densities and sizes of outliers as in our case when dealing with different percentages of outliers introduced ( 5 % to 50 %). In my case the perfect fit are: - epsilon = 0.9 - min samples = 5
Below is the implementation of the outliers removal function.
def data_preparation (X ,y , n_features ) :
@param X: the ndarray to clean
df = pd . DataFrame (X , columns =[ f ’ feature_ { i } ’ for i in range (n_features ) ])
hapter 3. Pipeline Implementation Francesco Zanella
df [ ’ target ’] = y
eps = 0.9
min_samples = 5
dbscan = DBSCAN ( eps = eps , min_samples = min_samples )
df [ ’ cluster ’] = dbscan . fit_predict ( df [[ ’ feature_0 ’ , ’ feature_1 ’, ’ feature_2 ’ ]])
clean_df = df [ df [ ’ cluster ’] != -1]
outlier_indices = df [ df [ ’ cluster ’] == -1]. index
# feature_0 , feature_1 , feature_2 , target , cluster
return clean_df [[ ’ feature_0 ’ , ’ feature_1 ’ , ’ feature_2 ’ ]]. values, clean_df [ ’ target ’ ]. values , outlier_indices
After having removed the outliers, we assess the performance of various regression algorithms on the ”cleaned” datasets using two different metrics: performance and distance between train and test. (speed is not considered since is not relevant for the analysis we are con- ducting). We evaluate these metrics across five different regression algorithms (”Linear- Regressor,” ”BayesianRidge,” ”SVMRegressor,” ”KNNRegressor,” and ”MLPRegressor”).
results_for_each_algorithm_cleaned = []
for algorithm in REGRESSION_ALGORITHMS :
results_for_each_percentage_cleaned = []
for h in range ( len ( X_cleaned_list ) ) :
result = regression ( X_cleaned_list [ h ] ,
y_cleaned_list [ h ] , algorithm , SEED )
results_for_each_percentage_cleaned . append ( result )
results_for_each_algorithm_cleaned.append(results_for_each_percentage_cleaned )
As we did with the polluted datasets we use some utils functions, plot and print table to create a plot for each metric and a table with the numeric results to compare the results the analysis before having cleaned the dataset. Plot for experiment 0 for performance metric:
Analyzing the RMSE and train-test distance graphs reveals that the trend, regardless of the conducted experiment and therefore the distance of the outliers, is increasing. This indicates that as the percentage of introduced outliers increase, the difficulty for the model to predict accurately also increases. This is due to the fact that outliers have the potential to disrupt the identification of patterns in the data.
Regarding the performance difference among various regression algorithms on datasets before and after the removal of outliers, a clear distinction in performance is evident. On the polluted datasets, the average RMSE is around 70, whereas after the cleaning process, it reduces significantly to approximately 15.
Finally, regarding the removal of outliers in each experiment, upon examining the outlier removal graphs, it’s noticeable that as the experiment progresses and consequently, as the distance of the outliers increases, the precision of DBSCAN improves. It succeeds in correctly identifying approximately 98% of the outliers when the outliers distance is maximum.