This is the android port of the blueblock game
Feel free to contribute with pull requests to the original project by Gabriele or to this one if you have any android specific improvements in mind.
Play store link:
If you want to build from source just do
git clone --recursive
cd blueblock-android/
./gradlew build
git clone --recursive
cd blueblock-android/
docker run --tty --interactive --volume=$(pwd):/opt/workspace --workdir=/opt/workspace jacekmarchwicki/android:java7 /bin/sh -c "android update sdk --all --no-ui --filter build-tools-19.1.0,android-19 ; ./gradlew build"
- Copy
to clipboard - File -> Import -> Git / Projects from Git -> Clone URI
- Paste URI from clipboard (if it did not appeared automatically)
- Next> Next> Check "Clone submodules"
- Next> select "Import existing project"