These scripts streamline the creation of TLS certificates to ensure the security of Cassandra, ElasticSearch, OpenSearch, or NATS instances. They automate the entire process, encompassing the generation of a Root Certificate Authority (CA) certificate, node-specific certificates, and seamless certificate management tasks.
- Ensure you have Administrator privileges to execute the scripts successfully.
- Ensure that openssl.exe and keytool.exe are available on your system.
- Open a terminal.
- Check the available OpenJDK versions
apt search openjdk
- Install the desired OpenJDK version
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openjdk-[VERSION]-jdk
If you already have OpenJDK installed and just need to ensure Keytool is available by running
which keytool
- Check if OpenSSL is installed and retrieve its location by executing the command:
If it is not installed, consider installing it alongside with Git.
Get-Command openssl
- Check if Keytool is installed and retrieve its location by executing the command:
If it is not installed, consider installing it alongside with OpenJDK.
Get-Command keytool
Open a terminal.
Navigate to the directory containing
. -
Run the following command:
chmod +x
This step ensures execution permissions.
Execute the script:
Open PowerShell.
Navigate to the directory containing
. -
Execute the script:
Ensure the necessary executables and prerequisites are in place before running the scripts.
- Organization Type: Choose the instance type for which you want to generate certificates (Cassandra, Elastic, OpenSearch, NATS).
- Cleanup: Option to clean up files generated in previous executions.
- Cluster Information: Enter the name of your cluster and handle non-ASCII characters appropriately.
- Certificate Options: Set the validity period for the certificates.
- Key Size: Choose the certificate key size (1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192 bits).
- Hostnames: Input the hostnames (FQDN) of each node.
- Automatic Hostname Resolution: Option to resolve hostnames automatically instead of manually entering IP addresses.
- Root CA Certificate: Choose to use an existing root certificate or generate a new one.
- Certificate Generation: Automatically generates certificates for each node in the cluster.
- Subject Alternative Names (SANs): Specify additional SANs for each node.
- Password Handling: Option to automatically generate a secure password or manually enter one.
- Public Key Exchange: Add public keys of every node to the keystore of every other node.
- Cleanup Unused Files: Remove unnecessary files generated during the execution.
- Certificates Information: Display information about the generated certificates, keystore files, and passwords.
- Ensure the root CA certificate (rootCA.crt) is trusted on every client. If a password is generated, note it down for future reference.
- Copy the generated keystore files (*-node-keystore.p12) to their respective nodes.
This script is provided under the MIT License.