A social application in which users are able to join an online platform and interact with each other by sharing content. Users will be able to bookmark any image on the Internet and share it with others. They will also be able to see activity on the platform from the users they follow and like/unlike the images shared by them.
In brief:
- join online platform
- custom user profile
- interact with each other
- share images
- bookmark an image
- see activity from users they follow
- like images shared by other users
Build an authentication system for users to register, log in, edit their profile, and change or reset their password.
- Using the Django authentication framework
- Creating user registration views
- Extending the user model with a custom profile model
- Messages framework (messagebox)
- Adding social authentication with Python Social Auth (Facebook, Google, Twitter)
Build a follow system to allow users to follow each other on the website.
Build a functionality to display shared images and implement a bookmarker for users to share images from any website
Build an activity stream that allows users to see the content uploaded by the people that they follow