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User Stories

perrygeo edited this page Nov 24, 2014 · 5 revisions

This page defines the user stories that may one day make it into the Forest Planner.


As a site administrator, I want to deploy the latest changes to a private staging server in order to keep the production server stable as new features are being developed.

As a group manager, I want to log into a dashboard and send group membership requests to users to solicit participation in a grouped forest project.

As a land owner, I want to receive group membership requests via email and easily confirm/deny the request through a web interface.

As a land owner who is a member of a carbon aggregation group, I want to select scenarios to share with the carbon group manager - a single baseline (max-npv) scenario and a single 'with-project' scenario, both of which will be shared read-only.



As a landowner who is a member of a carbon aggregation group, I want to see a graph of estimated gross carbon credit yield (# of credits) over time for my property, based on the carbon accounting rules of the American Carbon Registry's methodology for Improved Forest Management (IFM) for U.S. Timberlands.

As a group manager, I want to see a graph or table with the estimated gross carbon credit yield over time for each group member according to the American Carbon Registry's methodology for Improved Forest Management (IFM) for U.S. Timberlands.

As a group manager, I want to find a separate map for each property submitted by group members showing the silvicultural prescriptions applied and timing of harvests in baseline (npv) scenarios to verify that each baseline scenario is in conformance with state forest practices rules regarding riparian buffers and contiguous clearcut limits.

As a group manager, I want to see a graph or table with the estimated total gross carbon credit yield over time by my group according to the American Carbon Registry's methodology for Improved Forest Management (IFM) for U.S. Timberlands.

As a land owner, I want to see a net present value calculation for each of my scenarios in order to quickly compare relative economic values.

As a land owner, I want to see an automatically generated NPV scenario to serve as a first approximation for a scenario which maximizes net present value.