SuiteSparse v5.5.0
SuiteSparse v5.5.0, Oct 20, 2019.
This release includes v2.3.5 of GraphBLAS, for the Collected Algorithms of the ACM.
Release notes for SuiteSparse v5.5.0:
* GraphBLAS 2.3.5: Collected Algorithm of the ACM
* UMFPACK 5.7.9: fix for compiling in MATLAB R2018b; BLAS library
* SPQR, CHOLMOD: fix to *_make.m for compiling in MATLAB; same version
* KLU: fix to Tcov/Makefile; no change to version number
* CXSparse 3.2.0: version was incorrect in CXSparse/Include/cs.h;
the corresponding CSparse v3.2.0 had the correct version information
in its cs.h include file.
* ssget and MATLAB_Tools/SuiteSparseCollection: update to
* Mongoose 2.0.4: update to