This compiler was created for the COMP 5210 class at Auburn University. It is a custom compiler for a subset of the C language. Below is a description of the compiler and how to use it. If you would like more details on the compiler, please see the design document.
Compiles our input into assembly code and outputs it to a .asm file and will output the following, based on what flag you provide: Tokens, Abstract Syntax Tree, Symbol Table, Three Address Code, optimized Three Address Code, control flow graph, dominator graph
usage: [-h] [-t] [-p] [-s] [-a] [-o] [-g] [-d] File
positional arguments:
File a valid c input file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t outputs the tokenized version of the input file
-p outputs the abstract syntax tree of the input file
-s outputs the symbol table of the input table
-a outputs the three address code of the input file
-o outputs the optimized three address code of the input file
-g outputs the flow graph of the input file
-d outputs the dominator graph of the input file