Releases: DigitalExcellence/dex-frontend
Beta Release: v1.0.1-beta
Release v.1.0.1-beta - 31-01-2021
Version 1.0.1-beta marks a new release with new features and fixed bugs as described below. This is also the final release of DeX this semester. Next semester a new team with new leadership will work on bringing DeX to the next level!
You might wonder why there are so few items on the changelog, this is due to the team working on significant issues like the portfolio system, a working recommendation system, a user graduation detection system and more. The wizard has not been released yet due to ongoing internal testing, we want to make sure that this crucial part of DeX is working properly out of the gate. The plan is to make final changes to these pull requests in the next sprint, then merge them and work on frontend implementation.
Here's a sneak peek of the wizard implementation (some things are not final yet and are subject to change):
Changelog Frontend: Check below.
Changelog Backend: Click here.
- Added SEO & performance check when pushing new code to develop branch - #285
- Added a DeX preview with title, description and image for more user-friendliness - #347
- Added functionality to like projects - #389
- Added update highlight functionality - #294
- Added animations on clickable items and while project pages are loading - #321
- Added animations when user likes (or unlikes) a project - #414
- Added the option to add a Call-To-Action button to a project - #267
- Changed the open graph tags in order to show a more appealing website preview - #405
- Changed it so you can now clear query parameters like pagination or search by clicking on 'projects' again - #401
- Changed the design of the filter menu on the project overview page - #287
- Fixed issue where images in the project-details view would go outside the page - #397
- Fixed issue where builds failed due to Lighthouse budgets not being high enough - #411
- Fixed issue where long collaborator names would mess up styling - #354
- Fixed issue where in some cases the alert banner would not disappear automatically - #392
- Fixed issue where opening a modal or long usernames would cause the page to get unaligned - #400
Beta Release: v.0.9.0-beta
Release v.0.9.0-beta - 09-12-2020
Changelog Frontend: Check below.
Changelog Backend: Click here.
- Added SEO & performance check when pushing new code to develop branch #285
- Added a DeX preview when linking DeX in social media with a title, description, and image for more user-friendliness #347
- Fixed issue where the project icons would shrink if the description or title was too long - #349
- Fixed alert box blocking project edit/-delete buttons - #352
- Fixed issue where the pagination parameter was not getting reset on a new search - #302
- Fixed images showing alt when image could not be loaded, it now shows placeholder image instead - #339
- Fixed issue where tags were not hidden in production - #373
- Fixed issue where images were not being lazy loaded - #374
- Fixed low accessibility score within Lighthouse tests on home and project overview page #366
Beta Release: v.0.8.0-beta
Release v.0.8.0-beta - 06-11-2020
Version 0.8.0-beta marks a new release with new features and fixed bugs as described below.
Changelog Frontend: Check below.
Changelog Backend: Click here.
- Added functionality to upload a project icon when creating a project - #266
- Added an image to the background - #320
- Display uploaded project icons - #311
Work In Progress Designs
The image below shows the new project-add page. We're working on a wizard-style implementation.
The image below shows the new wizard implementation for adding projects.
The image below shows the new project detail page with additional tabs for more configuration.
The image below shows the new mobile project detail page. All new designs are created with lower resolutions in mind.
Beta Release: v.0.7.1-beta
Release v0.7.1-beta - 12-10-2020
Version 0.7.1-beta marks a hotfix release to fix the frontend and automated deployment.
Changelog Frontend: Check below
Changelog Backend: Click here.
- Fixed issue where automated deployment did not work - #312
Release v0.7.0-beta - 09-10-2020
- Added basic SEO for better google discoverability - #283
- Added dynamic updates of meta tags for better discoverability - #286
- Changed all file line endings from CRLF to LF and added the .gitattributes to enforce it - #163
- Changed footer styling to be responsive on small screens - #163
- Changed header styling to be responsive on small screens - #258
- Highlight now shows highlight description instead of project description. - #273
- Changed images on the login and home page to new copyright-free images from unDraw - #97
- Changed highlight styling to be responsive on small screens - #195
- Project detail URLs now show the project name instead of just a project ID - #298
- Updates some styling issues for more consistency in the platform - #299
- Fixed issue where the project overview page was not responsive on smaller viewports - #296
- Fixed issue where the feedback button would block the footer content on smaller screens - #289
- Fixed redirect to the project detail page after editing a project - #256
- Fixed issue that caused users to log out because token did not get refreshed - #253
Beta Release: v.0.6.1-beta
Beta Release: v.0.6-beta
First public release of Digital Excellence, the project is now accessible via:
Changelog Frontend: Check below
Changelog Backend: Click here.
Release v.0.6-beta
- Added this very changelog - #62
- Added issue & pull request templates (bug & report) - #11
- Added Footer - #68
- Implementing design: Edit project page - #98
- Implemented new design login page - #66
- Implemented search functionality for project overview - #72
- Added an embed button and embed page - #140
- Get current user role from the backend - #141
- Implemented global error handling & logging to Sentry - #77
- Implemented wizard for GitHub and GitLab source url's - #146
- Implemented the highlight modal - #75
- Added the pipeline for the frontend - #143
- Implemented alert service & displaying of alerts - #76
- Implemented 404 page and catch all route - #99
- Implemented pagination on search results and project overview - #158
- Implemented the functionality to delete one/multiple highlighted project(s), and implemented a modal where the user can select and confirm the higlights that need to be removed - #180
- Implemented alerts to display user friendly success & error messages - #172
- Implemented sorting & filtering accordion for project overview - #171
- Added privacy policy and updated footer links accordingly - #211
- Implemented beta banner & feedback button - #198
- Implemented search functionality on home page - #166
- Added user to project-overview page, user is now also searchable - #207
- Implemented remove project modal - #193
- Added a privacy policy modal before the login - 215
- Implemented permission validation for project edit / delete / highlight / embed buttons - #213
- Implemented WYSIWYG Editor for project description - #216
- Added pipe to strip html to fix the html showing in highlights - #243
- Changed from Clarity framework to NGX Bootstrap - #101
- Changed the oauth scopes to include email - #112
- Updated design for Project Edit page, buttons and other Quality of Life changes - #128
- Added more structure to styling & moved scss to specific files in the assets folder - #122
- Updated favicon to match branding & added favicon support for various platforms - #145
- Hidden project tags for production mode - #148
- Changed Login page to display only one login with FHICT button & improved styling of login button - #157
- Moved accordion styling out of the global stylesheet and into the stylesheet of the overview component - #106
- Changed the login flow to the identity to support direct access to external providers. - #173
- Changed default profile picture for users which are logged in - #147
- Changed login button text to sign in for consistency - #186
- Changed the design of the "Add Project" page - #188
- Changed the project-add input and search inputs so you can now press the enter key to submit - #224
- Added localStorage Utils class to access the localStorage and it's keys from one central piece of code - #238
- Changed the wizard requests, fixed URL not supported error and added message - #236
- Changed styling of project overview filters and project add collaborators to match the designs - #242
- Changed when Sentry logs http errors - #231
- Changed text when there are no Highlights - #221
- Removed the 'x' from search inputs - #224
- Fixed the bug when there are less than 3 highlights - #113
- Fixed the bug where requests made to external API's would also receive our access token - #184
- Users can no longer edit a project of which they are not the owner - #168
- Fixed issue where user would need to login again after a window refresh - #176
- Fixed issue where the alert container would display itself while there are no alerts active - #200
- Fixed issue where user endpoint would get called when a user is not authenticated - #189
- Fixed issue where empty search would cause a 404 error to appear on the projects overview page - #179
- Fixed the styling of the contributors overview on the project detail page - #182
- Fixed issue where a not authenticated user was able to open the project-add modals - #224
- Fixed the layout of project embed pages breaking on smaller viewports - #223
- Fixed issue where beta banner was not dismissible - #239
- Fixed styling to match the designs, replaced images on home and sign in - #233
- Fixed issue where invalid project id would trigger error - #235