Beta Release: v1.0.1-beta
Release v.1.0.1-beta - 31-01-2021
Version 1.0.1-beta marks a new release with new features and fixed bugs as described below. This is also the final release of DeX this semester. Next semester a new team with new leadership will work on bringing DeX to the next level!
You might wonder why there are so few items on the changelog, this is due to the team working on significant issues like the portfolio system, a working recommendation system, a user graduation detection system and more. The wizard has not been released yet due to ongoing internal testing, we want to make sure that this crucial part of DeX is working properly out of the gate. The plan is to make final changes to these pull requests in the next sprint, then merge them and work on frontend implementation.
Here's a sneak peek of the wizard implementation (some things are not final yet and are subject to change):
Changelog Frontend: Check below.
Changelog Backend: Click here.
- Added SEO & performance check when pushing new code to develop branch - #285
- Added a DeX preview with title, description and image for more user-friendliness - #347
- Added functionality to like projects - #389
- Added update highlight functionality - #294
- Added animations on clickable items and while project pages are loading - #321
- Added animations when user likes (or unlikes) a project - #414
- Added the option to add a Call-To-Action button to a project - #267
- Changed the open graph tags in order to show a more appealing website preview - #405
- Changed it so you can now clear query parameters like pagination or search by clicking on 'projects' again - #401
- Changed the design of the filter menu on the project overview page - #287
- Fixed issue where images in the project-details view would go outside the page - #397
- Fixed issue where builds failed due to Lighthouse budgets not being high enough - #411
- Fixed issue where long collaborator names would mess up styling - #354
- Fixed issue where in some cases the alert banner would not disappear automatically - #392
- Fixed issue where opening a modal or long usernames would cause the page to get unaligned - #400