ManageInvite is used by + 2,000,000 users in + 10,000 servers!
The code in this repository is NOT intended to be hosted. Some parts of the code are missing and the bot can't work only with these files. This code is open source because it's the heart of ManageInvite and we think it's important to share the biggest part of our code. We're sorry but we won't be able to help you to install the bot on your own server and we're sorry if you wasted your time trying before coming across this message...
ManageInvite has a powerful dashboard which allows you to manage your servers easily! Configure join/leave messages, change server prefix, server language, etc...
ManageInvite has a total of 34 commands!
+configjoin Config join messages
+setjoin Disable/Enabled join messages
+testjoin Try join messages configuration
+configdm Config join messages in dm
+setdm Disable/Enabled join messages in dm
+testdm Try join messages in dm configuration
+configleave Config leave messages
+setleave Disable/Enabled leave messages
+testleave Try leave messages configuration
You can use +config
to show your server global config.
+set-stacked-ranks Whether members keep all their roles or only the highest one
+set-keep-ranks Whether members keep their roles when they lose invites
+blacklist Add or remove a user to the blacklist
+addbonus Add bonus invites to a member.
+removebonus Remove bonus invites from a member.
+addrank Add a rank to the rank rewards.
+removerank Remove a rank from the rank rewards.
+ranks Show the rank rewards list.
+removeinvites Clear member or server invites.
+restoreinvites Restore member or server invites.
+sync-invites Synchronize ManageInvite database with server invites.
Everyone can use user commands, there aren't restricted.
+invites (@user) Show your invites or the invites of the mentionned member.
+leaderboard Show the server leaderboard.
+stats Show a graph with the server joins.
+membercount Show members stats.
+help Show the list of the commands.
+botinfos Show informations about ManageInvite.
+ping Show the ManageInvite's ping.
+add Show the ManageInvite's invite link.
+support Join the support server.
+eval Execute javascript code.
+reload Reload a command or languages.
+servers-list Show the servers list.