High school project for the school ITI G.Marconi (Verona).
Application made with Flutter that contains most relevant school services in one place.
The school's services (such as class schedule, grades list, agenda, ...) are only accessible from different and incompatible platforms.
So we have decided to create an app that allows access to school data in an easy, fast and intuitive way.
We chose to use Flutter for various reasons.
- the possibility to create multiplatform apps with only one code. This has allowed us to build the app in less time and using fewer resources.
- the desire to learn how to use this framework, given the appreciation it is experiencing.
The app has been developed following the DDD (Domain-Driven-Development) model, which has allowed the app to be more flexible and maintainable.
The separation into various layers allows the addition of a new function with relative ease, without having to modify codes already made.