- Working installation of Cytnx (with CUDA support)
- You need to copy the installation path of Cytnx to the
sys.path.append('/home/petjelinux/Cytnx_lib') # This is the path to the Cytnx installation
python -m cProfile -o output.pstats main.py --chi 16 --bondim 4 --CTMARGS_ctm_conv_tol 0 --CTMARGS_ctm_max_iter 10 --GLOBALARGS_device 0 --CTMARGS_projector_svd_method GESVD
python -m gprof2dot -f pstats output.pstats | dot -T png -o profile.png
nsys profile --stats=true python main.py --chi 16 --bondim 4 --CTMARGS_ctm_conv_tol 0 --CTMARGS_ctm_max_iter 10 --GLOBALARGS_device 0 --CTMARGS_projector_svd_method GESVD
for chi in {16,32,64,128,256}
echo "chi: ${chi}"
python main.py --chi ${chi} --bondim 4 --CTMARGS_ctm_conv_tol 0 --CTMARGS_ctm_max_iter 10 --GLOBALARGS_device 0 --CTMARGS_projector_svd_method GESVD
And you can manually copy the results to the benchmark.ipynb
to generate the benchmark results.