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==Open Wonderland Documentation Wiki==
[OpenWonderland#For_Everyone Everyone] | [OpenWonderland#For_Users Users] | [OpenWonderland#For_System_Administrators Sys Admins] | [OpenWonderland#For_Content_Developers Content Developers] | [OpenWonderland#For_Developers Developers] | [OpenWonderland#For_Students Students] | [OpenWonderland#Historic Historic] |
==For Everyone==
[http://openwonderland.org Open Wonderland web site] | The web site contains FAQs, pointers to community resources, instructions on downloading software, and many other helpful resources |
[http://blogs.openwonderland.org/ Wonderblog] | The blog features articles from the open source community describing projects and events related to Open Wonderland. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Topics Community Wiki] | This wiki contains a constantly growing collection of documentation, notes from community meetings, video links, and other useful resources. |
==For Users==
[WebStart05 Launching the Client] | This tutorial describes how users launch the Open Wonderland client using Java(TM) Web Start. |
[http://owf1.openwonderland.org:8080/quickstartguide/quickstartguide/QuickstartTOC.html Quickstart Guides] | This set of very short guides provides a brief introduction to the basic features of Open Wonderland. These guides are also available in-world from the Help menu. |
[http://sites.google.com/site/openwonderland/tutorials/learning-the-basics-tutorial Learning the Basics] | Introductory user-focused tutorial explaining how to start Wonderland and use the basic features. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Troubleshooting%20and%20Testing Troubleshooting and Testing] | This document contains troubleshooting information applicable to everyone as well as more advanced topics for system administrators and developers. |
[https://sites.google.com/site/openwonderland/tutorials/troubleshooting-tips Troubleshooting Tips] | Tips for handling a variety of problems new users might encountered running Wonderland. |
[http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/ProjectWonderlandClientSpecs05 Client Hardware Performance] | This page lists the reported performance of various hardware and software configurations with Open Wonderland |
==For System Administrators==
[http://openwonderland.org/download/modules?cat=add_ons Wonderland Module Warehouse] | Collection of Wonderland "apps" available to download and install in your own Wonderland server. |
[http://openwonderland.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70&Itemid=64 Download and Install Wonderland] | Leads you step-by-step to download, install, configure, and run Open Wonderland. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Server%20Administration%20Console%20Guide Wonderland Server Administration Console Guide] | A reference guide for configuring and administering the Open Wonderland server via a web-based interface. |
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandConfigureFirewall05.pdf Firewall Configuration] | This tutorial describes how to configure Open Wonderland if your server is behind a firewall or NAT. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Open%20Wonderland%20v0.5%20Configuring%20Authentication Configuring Authentication] | This tutorial describes how to configure authentication for Open Wonderland |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Connecting%20to%20the%20Telephone%20Network Connecting to the Telephone Network] | This guide explains how to connect a Wonderland installation to the telephone network. For original documentation see: [http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/ProjectWonderlandPhoneSetup Project Wonderland Phone Setup Guide] and [http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/ProjectWonderlandTelephoneAdmin?TWIKISID=85e154924b7dd7b9d15444109d6af36b Telephone Integration] |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Creating%20Backups Creating Backups] | Several strategies for backing up your Wonderland worlds. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Sysadmin%20Tips Sys Admin Tips] | Some tips for managing Wonderland-related processes. |
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/15R7K6pVkkfeb1VJPCk_LPMNkGfnHwziI2mWvSynlOuY/edit World Builder Installation and Usage] | This guide covers how to install the World Builder module and how to use the Builder |
==For Content Developers==
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandArtImport05.pdf Importing 3D Models] | This tutorial provides an introduction to importing existing 3D models into Open Wonderland. |
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandWorldAssembly05.pdf Assembling Worlds] | This tutorial provides an introduction to assembling worlds. You may insert new objects into your world and move, rotate, and resize them. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Building%20an%20Open%20Wonderland%20World%20From%20Scratch Building an Open Wonderland World From Scratch] | This tutorial explains how to start with an empty world, populate it with content, and save a snapshot. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Creating%20and%20Importing%20Artwork%20for%20Non-Artists Creating and Importing Artwork for Non-Artists] | Learn to use Google !SketchUp to create simple, but attractive 3D models and import them into Wonderland. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Using%20Capabilities Using Capabilities] | This is a reference guide covering the default capabilities that come bundled with Wonderland as well as the common optional capabilities. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Creating%20Posters Creating Posters] | This guide describes how to create in-world posters that include links to external content as well as links to locations within the virtual world. |
ExportingBlenderModels | Matthew Schmidt provides advice on how to export models from Blender to import into Wonderland. |
[http://blogs.openwonderland.org/2011/09/20/subsnapshot-importer-exporter-module-available/ Saving Work with Subsnapshots] | This blog post explains Subsnapshots and how to use this import/export functionality to save work on your own computer. |
==For Developers==
[https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B59Igj4e2v5ONjAwNjE1ZjYtZDJhNC00NTFmLWI5OTYtNWQ3ODliZTQ3OTVm&hl=en Open Wonderland: Extensible Virtual World Architecture] | This IEEE Internet Computing paper provides a high-level overview of the Wonderland architecture. |
[DownloadBuildSource05 Download, Build, Configure, and Run from the Source Code] | This tutorial provides an introduction for all developers: how to download and compile the source code, configure the Wonderland distribution, and run both the server and client. |
[DownloadBuildModules05 Download, Build, and Deploy Optional Modules from the Source Code] | This tutorial describes how developers can download and compile the source code, and deploy the optional add-on modules. |
[http://javadoc.openwonderland.org Open Wonderland Core APIs] | JavaDoc reference for all core packages and classes. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Open%20Wonderland%20Communications%20Architecture Communications Architecture] | This document describes the Open Wonderland extensible communication architecture. |
[http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/DevelopingWithNetBeansPoint5 Developing With NetBeans] | This page describes how to use !NetBeans to develop, run and debug Wonderland 0.5. |
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandWorkingWithModules05.pdf Working with Modules] | This tutorial describes the basics of the Open Wonderland module system and how to install modules. Modules allow developers to extend the functionality of the platform by providing custom code and/or content. The community wiki has some notes on [http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Using%20a%20database%20in%20a%20module Using a database in a module at the server-side]. |
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/beginner/Wonderland_Tutorial_01.pdf Tutorial for Beginners] | These two tutorials ([http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/beginner/Wonderland_Tutorial_01.pdf Part 1], [http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/beginner/Wonderland_Tutorial_02.pdf Part 2]) by Douglas Finnigan provide a high-level introduction to Open Wonderland for developers, describing basic concepts for all of its technologies. |
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandDevelopingNewCell05.pdf Developing a New Cell] | The primary means to extend Open Wonderland is by developing a new kind of Cell. There are a number of tutorials, from basic and advanced on this page. The following four-part tutorial series goes in-depth for developers on how to create a new Cell: [http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandDevelopingNewCell05Part1.pdf Part 1], [http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandDevelopingNewCell05Part2.pdf Part 2], [http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandDevelopingNewCell05Part3.pdf Part 3], [http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandDevelopingNewCell05Part4.pdf Part 4]. |
[http://code.google.com/p/openwonderland/wiki/DevelopingNewCellComponent Developing a New Cell Component (aka Capability)] | In this tutorial, you will learn how to develop new cell components. A cell component is add-on functionality that can be attached to any kind of cell. |
[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0Adt0T7CUKzB9ZGNrODdxOXBfMjhncmZkM3doYg&hl=en Writing 2D Applications] | This tutorial describes how to develop 2D applications in-world that use the Java Swing GUI toolkit. |
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandWritingPlugin05.pdf Writing a Client or Server "Plugin"] | This tutorial describes how to write client and server plugins for Open Wonderland. Plugins are code that runs when either the client or server is first initialized. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Sample%20HUD%20Tutorial Sample HUD Tutorial] | This tutorial describes the basics of creating a window on the HUD (Heads-up display). |
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandCreatingHUD05.pdf Developing a HUD-enabled module] | This more advanced tutorial describes how to develop a more complex module that displays a window on the HUD (Heads-up display). |
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/ProjectWonderlandContextMenu05.pdf Adding Entries to the Context Menu] | This tutorial describes how to add entries to the right-click context menu. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=CreateModuleFromSnapshot How to Create Modules from Snapshots] | Learn how to convert a snapshot into a module that will show up in the "Initial Worlds" section of the Manage Worlds page in the Server Admin Console. |
ChangingTheSkybox | This brief tutorial explains how, as a developer building from source, you can easily change the skybox. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=JagWire EZ Script] | Documentation for the EZScript module, one of two scripting options for Open Wonderland. Click on the "Cell Scripting" tab. |
[http://groups.google.com/group/open-wonderland-scripting Scripting] | The Open Wonderland Scripting sub-group maintains a Google Group to discuss scripting related issues. To get started with scripting, refer to the [https://sites.google.com/site/openwonderland/tutorials/scripting collection of scripting tutorials], including a guide to [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxvcGVud29uZGVybGFuZHxneDo0YTIxZDFlZTcwZDFhYjNi Scripting Commands]. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=JMonkeyEngine%28jME%29%20Resources jMonkeyEngine (jME) Resources] | This page provides a collection of web links to tutorials and documentation for jMonkeyEngine, the 3D rendering API used by Open Wonderland. |
[https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxvcGVud29uZGVybGFuZHxneDoyZjViZDQ3MzVmYjM4MzJl MT-Game Programming Guide] | Programming guide for the MT (Multi-Threaded) Game layer on top of jMonkeyEngine ([https://sites.google.com/site/openwonderland/archive/MTGameProgGuide.odt?attredirects=0&d=1 document source], [https://sites.google.com/site/openwonderland/archive/MTGameProgGuide.pdf?attredirects=0&d=1 download PDF]) |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=JVoiceBridge%20Developer%20Guide jVoiceBridge Developer's Guide] | This guide covers topics such as building and running the voice bridge, configuring a VoIP to PSTN gateway, parameters for call setup, technical specs, and troubleshooting help. |
[http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Topics Community Documentation] | A wiki containing documents for features being worked on by the community including [http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Development%20tips%20and%20tricks Development Tips and Tricks], [http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Sysadmin%20Tips System Admin Tips], and [http://wiki.openwonderland.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Groups%20Security%20Tips Group Security Tips]. ([http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/ProjectWonderlandCommunity05 Old Community Wiki]) |
[http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/WonderlandReleasepoint5 Version 0.5 Technical Documents] | A wiki containing technical documents and plans for Open Wonderland v0.5 |
==For Students==
[http://openwonderland.googlecode.com/svn/www/wiki/backup/pdf/StudentProjects.pdf Project Ideas for Students (and others)] | An ever-growing list of Wonderland projects, organized by level-of-effort, suitable for students or others interesting in extending Wonderland. |
(documents are now out-of-date)
[http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/WonderlandRoadmap Project Roadmap and Release Plan Estimates] | Our best guess at the timeframes for the upcoming releases and what will be included in them |
[http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/ProjectWonderlandResources Multimedia Resources] | This page has a collection of videos, presentations, screenshots, and web resources on Open Wonderland. |
[http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/ProjectWonderlandFeatureWishList Feature Wish List] | This page has a collection of proposals for new small-scale features in Open Wonderland, suggested both by the core team and the community. |
[http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javadesktop/ProjectWonderlandProposals Proposals] | This page has a collection of proposals for new large-scale features in Open Wonderland, suggested both by the core team and the community. |