An Graylog2 availability and performance monitoring plugin for Nagios.
This plugin works by submitting a REST API request to a local or remote Graylog2 server. Graylog2 server will respond to this API request by default. If yours don't, check that you have configured rest_listen_uri correctly.
This monitoring checks if the graylog2 server is processing data (as reported by the REST API). For performance monitoring, the number of data sources, number of recorded messages and the throughput is reported. Additionally the REST API response time is measured and submitted to nagios as load indicator.
For manual installation please use:
python install
If you use a Debian based Distribution, you can also build a Debian package using the provided packaging.
usage: check_graylog2 [-h] [-v] [-u USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [-H HOST]
[-p PORT] [-s] [--url URL] [-w WARN] [-c CRIT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Graylog2 username (default: admin)
--password PASSWORD Graylog2 password
-H HOST, --host HOST Hostname or network address to probe (default:
-p PORT, --port PORT TCP port to probe (default: 12900)
-s, --ssl Connect using ssl
--url URL Add a URL prefix (like /api) for proxied Graylog
instances, default is no prefix
-w WARN, --warn WARN Warning time for response (default: 1.0)
-c CRIT, --crit CRIT Critical time for response (default: 2.0)
- Python 2.7 or Python 3.x
- nagiosplugin