This API is part of a self imposed challenge to develop a messaging app (like Telegram - to give some comparison). Said API is suppose to work as the back-end API and dataset for the app. The front-end app is developed for Apple devices (iPhone / iPad with Obj-C) which will be uploaded on its own repo. This project at this point implements only CRUD actions however it's functional enough to develop basic front-end functionality.
The API is divided in three sections: Users, Sessions and Conversations. Users takes care of all related actions for users (register and hold user information), Sessions all related to current sessions on multiple devices (generating one-time access tokens, keeping track of how many sessions there are for each user, etc.) and ultimately, Conversations which stores conversations, messages and their respective authors.
- Node.JS
- Express
- Body Parser
The API uses MySQL as database engine, which is necessary to run it out-of-the-box. The DB schema needed for the API is in the DB-Schema.sql file. When run, it creates the DB and required tables. No mock data is inserted.
Edit the config files inside the config folder with the connection info for the MySQL server and rename them to remove the -sample
Install all dependencies in the repo root folder with npm install
After successfully install every dependency, run node app.js
The API can be test with software similar to Postman or cURL.
All URI have the /api/ prefix. So, in order to do a GET request for the users route, the URI should be (for eg, locally): http://localhost:8080/api/users/
/users/ : POST : Creates user
/users/ : GET : Lists all users
/users/:id : GET : Get user with :id
/users/:id : PUT : Edits user with :id
/users/:id : DELETE : Deletes user with :id
/session/ : POST : Creates session
/session/ : GET : Lists all sessions
/session/:id : GET : Get session with :id
/session/:id : PUT : Edits session with :id
/session/:id : DELETE : Deletes session with :id
The next three categories should work together given that it relates the conversations (aka chats) with the users and the messages sent between (in 1-to-1 chats) or among (1-to-many) users (participants).
/conversation/ : POST : Creates conversation
/conversation/ : GET : Lists all conversations
/conversation/:id/:length : GET : Get conversation with :id + :length
/conversation/:id : PUT : Edits conversation with :id
/conversation/:id : DELETE : Deletes conversation with :id
/convoMsg/ : POST : Adds message to conversation
/convoMsg/ : GET : Lists all conversation messages
/convoMsg/:id : GET : Get conversation message with :id
/convoMsg/:id : PUT : Edits conversation message with :id
/convoMsg/:id : DELETE : Deletes conversation message with :id
/convoUser/ : POST : Adds user to conversation
/convoUser/ : GET : Lists all users in conversations
/convoUser/:id : GET : Get user conversation with :id
/convoUser/:id : DELETE : Deletes user from conversation :id
These are the relations among the several tables that store this information.
- Each user may have as many sessions as they want.
- Each conversation (chat) may have as many users as desired. Two users (or participants) should be considered as a 1-to-1 chat, more than two users should be considered as a group conversation.
- Only text messages are supported at the moment;
- No API security (token / secret / etc.).
- Storing and sending different types of data (Such as audio, video, images, etc.);
- Session management;
- PGP encryption;
- And Moarrr!
Released under GPL-v3.
© Jéssica Pereira —> 2023