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dann toliver edited this page Feb 27, 2014 · 5 revisions

Procedures and the Processes Who Love Them


Discussed FBP, 2D and higher CA, future logistics, TDD, pair programming, DB optimizations.

  • Minor flow-based example at figure 2.7
    • Dann: What's the downside of this approach?
      • Some minor performance penalties for doing it naively, there doesn't seem to be one.
      • Granted we might be biased in a similar way (functional and/or flow-based programmers all; maybe primarily imperative programmers would see weaknesses we don't?)
  • Deep tangent to floating point precision, the IEEE floating point standard and treatment of NaN
  • More giant tangents
    • Trees, Tries (and their pronunciation)
      • Thorny because you're always talking about trees when you're talking about tries, so we don't think they should be pronounced the same way. The two accepted pronunciations are "tree" and "try" (we've decided to go with "try" internally to the group) [I thought the conclusion was "try tree", with mandatory finger bunnies].
    • Zippers (not these, these)
  • Confusion about the Racket definition of foldl
    • Different results are found between - Haskell foldl' - Rackets' foldl - The foldl defined in SICP [I think Haskell and SICP agree, yes? Racket is the only oddball I've seen so far.]

weekly recap message

Howdy y'all!

We had another fine meeting on Friday, discussing signal-flow decomposition, tries, queens and NaNs. (Which would make a great band name, those last three.) For this coming meeting we've finally arrived at 2.2.4, the rather lionized picture language. 

You can see the last week's notes here:

And I've started a page for next week's notes:

Feel free to jot down thoughts, questions and comments ahead of the meeting -- we'll use that page as a communal scratchpad to synchronize our conversation. 

As a PSA, here are a few fun upcoming events that may be of interest:

Happy coding!

Nov 24

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