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dann toliver edited this page Feb 27, 2014 · 6 revisions

This week: Formulating Abstractions!

79: weird notation -- I think they mean sum them until (a + ndx + dx/2) >= b, then times dx. like riemann sums? why dx/2 ? ... oh, the "middle sum". ok.

---> skipping Sieve of Eratosthenes and Riemann sums makes demented sense

easier iter or rec?

leo: constant-time overhead?

two books

weekly recap message

Hey everyone!

Another great meeting last night covering most of SICP 1.3. I presented on the Ackermann function's connections to computability and Yomna gave a great talk on graph theory that lead to an interesting conversation on the complexity class of determining the chromatic number of a graph.

For next week we're reading SICP 1.3.4 - 2.1.3, inclusive. (So exercise 2.6 is the last we'll do, for clarity.) It's about 30 pages of reading and 13 exercises, so a fairly light load, but there's some interesting ideas and lots of jumping off points of lightning talks if anyone is interested.

Happy weekend! See you Friday!

Oct 27

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