Often it happens to bring valuables, fragile or bulky objects with you and before getting on a public transport we always hope to find a seat. Through our implementation we want to provide the end user with this information in real time for various types of public transport, accessible via the website.
This project aims to meet the needs of those who, taking public transport, need to know how many people are actually on the vehicle so that they can choose whether to get on or not thanks to this information.
We can summarize NowSeat in "Real-time availability of seats on various public transport".
General Architecture
Angular WebApp Architecture
Broker Architecture
Sensor Circuit Diagram with Arduino ONE, a Force Pressure Sensor and a chip ESP8266
More info in "NowSeat Presentation.pdf"
- Install node wih version >= 16.16.0
- Inside NowSeat-Broker install aedes with
npm install aedes
- Inside NowSeat-Arduino install node-red with
npm install node-red
- Inside NowSeat-WebApp install packages with
npm install
- Start server with
node NowSeat-Broker/server.js
- Start node-red sensors with
and check http://localhost:1880 to start the simulation - Start the WebApp by going to the folder NowSeat-WebApp, running
npm start
and check http://localhost:4200 to open the web app
Italian explaination with DEMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=molrQQj3Kw8