Elixir library for interacting with the Force.com REST API.
Add Forcex to your dependency list
defp deps do
[ {:forcex, "~> 0.4"}
At compile time Forcex will query the Force.com REST API and generate modules for all the SObjects you have configured and permission to see.
If you see a warning like
23:37:02.057 [warn] Cannot log into SFDC API. Please ensure you have Forcex properly configured.
Got error code 400 and message %{"error" => "invalid_client_id", "error_description" => "client identifier invalid"}
You will need to configure Forcex, as noted below, and then explicitly recompile Forcex
$ mix deps.clean forcex
$ mix deps.compile forcex
You can have Forcex generate modules at compile time using the accompanying Mix task.
$ mix compile.forcex
This can also be invoked automatically by adding Forcex to your project's compilers in mix.exs
compilers: [:forcex] ++ Mix.compilers,
The Forcex.Client
is configured to read login information either from
application configuration:
config :forcex, Forcex.Client,
username: "[email protected]",
password: "my_super_secret_password",
security_token: "EMAILED_FROM_SALESFORCE",
endpoint: "https://test.salesforce.com",
modules: ["People"]
or these environment variables:
The endpoint (defaults to https://login.salesforce.com
) and modules configurations are optional. The list of modules can be specified so that only particular Salesforce Objects are compiled instead of compiling entire available Salesforce objects.
HTTPoison request-specific options may also be configured:
config :forcex, :request_options,
timeout: 20000,
recv_timeout: :infinity
For steps on how to create a Connected App with OAuth keys and secrets, please see the Force.com REST API section on Connected Apps.
Currently, to be fully functional, the Forcex.Client
must both login
Pagination of results is entirely manual at the moment.
client = Forcex.Client.login |> Forcex.Client.locate_services
first_page = Forcex.query("select Id, Name from Account order by CreatedDate desc", client)
second_page = first_page |> Map.get("nextRecordsUrl") |> Forcex.get(client)
Forcex allows additional configuration of API endpoint and API version via the
struct. You may also use this mechanism if you have a
other than password.
This example shows how to use both an older API version and the SalesForce sandbox API.
|> Forcex.Client.login(%Forcex.Client{endpoint: "https://test.salesforce.com", api_version: "34.0"})
See https://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_rest/
- List API versions available
- Login (Username/Password/Client Key/Client Secret)
- Login (Web Server OAuth)
- Login (User-Agent OAuth)
- OAuth Refresh Token
- Resources by Version
- Limits
- Describe Global
- SObject Basic Information
- SObject Describe
- SObject Get Deleted
- SObject Get Updated
- SObject Named Layouts
- SObject Rows
- SObject Rows by External ID
- SObject ApprovalLayouts
- SObject CompactLayouts
- SObject Layouts
- SObject Blob Retrieve
- SObject Quick Actions
- SObject Suggested Articles for Case
- SObject User Password
- AppMenu
- Compact Layouts
- FlexiPage
- Process Approvals
- Process Rules
- Query
- QueryAll
- Quick Actions
- Search
- Search Scope and Order
- Search Result Layouts
- Recently Viewed Items
- Search Suggested Article Title Matches
- Tabs
- Themes
MIT License, see LICENSE