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K. Passwordless

Bogdan Tudorache edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 9 revisions

This chapter will be a short one, but highly important because it saves us a lot of time⏳, not having to always insert your password when SSH-ing to your Raspberry Pi🥧.

  • But is it secure?

  • Yes, it's a RSA encryption.

  • How are we going to do this?

  • Simple, we will generate an public key, that our raspberry will know and will use to authenticate our connection. The authentication key must be appended to remove hosts ~/.ssh/authorized_key file.

We have to keep in mind that we will ssh from local-host (in this case my Macbook) to remote-host (Raspberry Pi 4).

A. Generate

I already have a public key, I checked this by moving to .ssh directory and running ls -l. The .ssh file is located in your user directory : /home/username/.ssh.


If you don't have it, we must create a public key on our local-host.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096


  • [Enter key]

  • [Enter key]

  • [Enter key]

    $ Your public key has been saved in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/

B. Copy

!! Make sure to specify your username when trying to copy the key over, if you have a different user (which you most probably due) it will not work.

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ [email protected]


Proof: 💪🏼


                                            **Congrats, you're done!**

C. Remove

This must be done on our remote-host.

In order to remove an authorization key you can use any text editor and simply edit the authorized_keys file from .ssh directory.

In my example, I used vi* authorized_keys -> i to edit -> delete text of previous installed key -> ESC -> :wq to save and exit.


*If you don't know how to use the text editor, check out this site.


We have learned how to set up a passwordless ssh by using RSA public key generation.

We have also learned how to remove the passwordless login.

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