Gold standard neuron data with both images and gold reconstructions
This release contains 166 BigNeuron neuron datasets with "gold" standard reconstructions and respective raw image stacks. These image datasets were originally contributed by a number of labs around the world and then standardized and reconstructions by 6~7 annotators during the BigNeuron Annotation workshop held at Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, in June 2015.
Distributed download links are shown below. Please click the one that is geographically close to your physical location to download:
- Asia/Singapore (A*Star):
- Europe (Blue Brain project):
Please, note that Windows users who expect a standard zip file will see the message "zip ... is invalid". As it is zipped from Linux, it can be unzipped from a unix shell like WSL or Linux itself with the 'zip' program.
Use of this release and datasets in it requires that you cite this work appropriately. Please cite the BigNeuron project ( and the following publication:
Peng, H., Hawrylycz, M., Roskams, J., Hill, S., Spruston, N., Meijering, E., Ascoli, G.A (2015) "BigNeuron: large-scale 3D neuron reconstruction from optical microscopy images," Neuron, DOI:, Vol. 87, No. 2, pp. 252-256, 2015. ( )
The bench testing reconstructions can be downloaded from the data release here ( )