A LAN based P2P chat server, developed using Python Network Programming (SOCKETS)
Project by: Bharath N, IIIT Bangalore
-> Connects over LAN / WLAN using IP Address and Port
-> Reads out messages as and when you receive a message
-> User can create chat nicknames
-> WhatsApp style chat window layout implemented over ncurses
-> Stores entire user chat history with proper logging
-> Open Terminal with your system connected to the internet
-> INSTALL.sh will install the pre-requisites needed for PyChat
-> Hence, run the following command in PyChat folder,
chmod a+x INSTALL.sh
-> Follow the instructions displayed on the terminal and you are good to go !
-> Since PyChat is a P2P chat application, one person has to be a server (the one who hosts the chat) and the other should be the client
-> Note that the client should always be created only after the server has been hosted
-> Since, the chat uses TTS module espeak, which reads out the messages, it's advisable to keep the speaker volumes up
-> If you are the server, open the folder named server and open a terminal window here
-> Run server.py as follows,
Usage: python server.py <HOST> <PORT>")
Ex. python server.py localhost 8000")
Ex. python server.py 8000")
You can obtain your HOST by doing ifconfig on your terminal window and any PORT which isn't a dedicated port, PORT >=0 and PORT<=65535 (excluding dedicated port values) is preferable.
Advisable value >= 8000
-> If you are the client, open the folder named client and open a terminal window here, AFTER A SERVER HAS BEEN CREATED
-> Run client.py as follows,
Usage: python client.py <HOST> <PORT>")
Ex. python client.py localhost 8000")
Ex. python client.py 8000")
You can obtain your HOST by doing ifconfig on your terminal window and any PORT which isn't a dedicated port, PORT >=8000 is preferable
-> Once you've opened your chat window, Enter your nickname (the name which will be displayed on the other end of the chat application)
-> Use ctrl+c to safely quit the program
-> Enjoy chatting on PyChat
-> Since the program depends on ncurses, RESIZING the chat window will cause the program to close abruptly
-> ctrl + c closes the program safely, closing the program safely is essential for the chat framework to store the chat history
-> Closing the program abruptly by force closing the terminal window results in loss of chat history and loss of connection with the server/client