A windows .NET 4.5 store and forward library for http post requests. Reyna will store your requests and post them when there is a valid connection.
Reyna is a standard .net class library and can be referenced through adding it as a reference in your project.
using System.Net;
using Reyna;
using Reyna.Interfaces;
// Add any headers if required
WebHeaderCollection headers = new WebHeaderCollection();
headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
headers.Add("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
headers.Add("token", "myToken");
// Create the message to send
var reynaMessage = new Reyna.Message(new URI("http://server.tosendmessageto.com"), "body of post, probably JSON");
reynaMessage.Headers.Add("extra header", "extra header");
// Send the message to Reyna
var reyna = new ReynaService(null, null);
Lovingly ported to .NET 4.5 by [Dan Hedges] (https://github.com/ejarlewski)