This repository contains all code that I have written and/or collaborated on at any of the internships I have been apart of.
- Place this file in your "rawdata - local" folder on your desktop. DO NOT PLACE THIS IN THE CLUSTER "rawdata" FOLDER
- edit the file by right-clicking it in File Explorer.
- Press "edit with IDLE" or "edit with Notepad++"
- Find the Section that says "ONLY EDIT THINGS ..."
- Edit it like we do for the perl script for folder that you wish to sort(Ex: x383)
- Go to the search bar in the bottom left and type in "command prompt". Hit enter
- You should get a black terminal window to open. Type the following commands
- "cd Desktop"
- "cd raw" then press tab
- now you are in the proper place to run the script. This window is seperate from the putty window, as that only deals with stuff on the GLAD cluster
- now, type in the name of the script.
- and hit enter
- this will run the script. If you want to run it again, just edit the script to the new folder you want to sort and then type in "" again