Tired of hitting paywalls that keep you from accessing valuable information? We've got your back! With our extension, you can bypass those pesky paywalls that sites put up to exploit us. Access news articles, research papers, and premium content without breaking a sweat. Say goodbye to paywall frustration and hello to a liberated browsing experience!
Auto Redirect: Click the extension icon in the browser toolbar, and voilà! You're on your way to the Google Cached Universe! 🌐💫
Unrestricted Access: No more giving in to content restrictions. Experience the satisfaction of outsmarting paywalls and gaining access to information that matters to you.
- Single Click on extension icon for cached website (full-version, text-version and view source options) and Double-click for cached + wayback-machine archives (*if archived)
- Lightning-Fast Cache Access ⚡
- No More Waiting Around for Slow Load Times ⏳
- Instant Access to paywalled content 🎩✨
Feel like joining our cache-seeking crew? Fork the repository, add your own magical improvements, and submit a pull request.