This project is a clone of the AnimeSuge user interface, built using HTML and Vanilla CSS. It was created as a learning exercise to practice the fundamentals of web development. 💻
The website is hosted at : 👉 AnimeSuge Clone
- Project Structure
- Technologies Used
- Deployed Link
- Description
- Features
- Screenshot
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Contributing
- Acknowledgments
- index.html: The main HTML file representing the home page.
- style.css: The CSS file containing the styles for the page.
The AnimeSuge UI Clone is a static website that replicates the design and layout of the popular anime streaming platform, AnimeSuge. It aims to provide a similar user experience as the original website, with a clean and responsive interface. 📱💻
- Navigation menu for easy access to different sections
- Anime heading picture
- Footer with additional information
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd AnimeSugeUI-Clone
- Open the
file in your preferred web browser.
Once the website is open, you can navigate through the different sections using the menu or by scrolling down the page. The search functionality is currently limited to the front-end and does not perform actual searches.
As this project was created for learning purposes, contributions are not accepted at the moment. However, feel free to fork the repository and use it as a reference or for your own learning journey.
- The design and layout inspiration came from the official AnimeSuge website 👩💻
- You can check them out at : AnimeSuge 🌐
- Thanks to Vercel for their easy deployment service 🚀
- Thanks to Shradha Mam and Alpha College for their great tutorials 😊