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Pull Requests

lokka30 edited this page Aug 21, 2021 · 2 revisions
This page was last updated for LevelledMobs 3.1.1 b481

We would highly appreciate if contributors followed this guide, as it will save the lead developers a lot of time having to clean up PRs.


  • Before working on a PR, please contact the development team to make sure it is worthy of your time. If an issue on the issue tracker has the label contributions welcome then it is likely we will give you the 👍🏻.
  • Please use curly brackets, especially if it is an 'if abc else xyz' statement. The only exception is for small 'if' statements, such as if(enabled) runMethod();.
  • Include javadocs and comments to your code wherever possible, unless it is obviously self-explanatory (e.g. 'changeWoolColor(Block)`)
  • Please do not commit any personal IDE settings change unless you feel they are a significant improvement. If you find your IDE is adding its own files then consider adding them to .gitignore.
  • Do not use automatic code re-arranging from your IDE. We've purposely laid out methods and variables in certain areas, and functions such as IntelliJ's 'relocate code' mess with it.


  • Wherever possible, use American English (en-us) spelling
  • The only exception is with the plugin's name, LevelledMobs, which was spelt originally with Australian English (en-au) and shall continue to be, to prevent breaking any resources which depend on this spelling.
    • American English uses leveled (two total l characters), compared to Australian English's levelled ( three total l characters).
    • Sorry for this confusion!

Ownership of Code

  • Any contributions must fall under the same license described in
  • You are expected to own or clearly credit the code you have contributed.
    • Check the license of copied code beforehand.
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