The Meal Calculator app is a React Based web app with a Rails API serving as the backend. It is an attempt to get a deeper dive into the stuff you eat by aggregating data from the Food Data Central API, and allowing users to compile a meal with complete nutritional breakdown of meal components. The individual meal components (listed as ingredients in schema) for meals are comprised of 7,000 database records with in-depth nutrient profiles. Meals can be saved and revisted, and ingredients can be removed or added from meals.
Clone this repository, and change into the correct directory. Run bundle install to install all the necessary gems.
The database seed will require the following:
- Food Data Central API Key:(Simply Sign Up via Link)
You will need to fire up your favorite editor and create a .env file to store your API Key (this will be called in the seed file as ENV['FDC_KEY']), via the dotenv gem
Run all necessary migrations
$ rails db:migrate
Seed the Database: (!! Warning this will take a considerable amount of time, there are over 7,000 records each with unique nutrient attributes !!)
$ rake db:seed
Ruby Version: 2.6.1